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You can register custom secret vault logic in Pode, which lets you use vaults that either SecretManagement doesn't have extensions for, or that you want to have extra logic around.


An overview of general features can be found here.


When registering a secret vault via Register-PodeSecretVault using custom logic, besides a -Name and -VaultParameters the only other mandatory parameter is -ScriptBlock; this is the main scriptblock that will be used for retrieving secrets from the vault.

For example, this following registers a custom vault for HashiCorp Vault and uses the vault CLI to retrieve a secret. When the -ScriptBlock is invoked, it is passed the -VaultParameters and the key/path to the secret within the vault:

# register a custom vault for HashiCorp Vault
Register-PodeSecretVault -Name 'HcpVault' `
    -VaultParameters @{
        Address = ''
    } `
    -ScriptBlock {
        param($config, $key)
        return (vault kv get -format json -address $config.Address -mount secret $key | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable)

# mount a secret using the above vault, and retrieve the "secret/data/tools/github"
Mount-PodeSecret -Name 'Github' -Vault 'HcpVault' -Key 'tools/github'

# reference this secret in a route to "release" something
Add-PodeRoute -Method Post -Path '/release' -ScriptBlock {
    Publish-Release -ApiToken $secret:Github.api_token

When registering a custom vault, you will also need to supply additional optional scriptblocks to enable other secret functionality:

  • -SetScriptBlock
  • -RemoveScriptBlock
  • -UnlockScriptBlock
  • -UnregisterScriptBlock

If you attempt to use the functionality without supplying a scriptblock for it, errors will be thrown.


In order to be able to update and set/create secrets, you will need to supply a -SetScriptBlock parameter on Register-PodeSecretVault. Without this, the following will fail:

The -SetScriptBlock scriptblock, when invoked, will be passed the -VaultParameters; the key/path to the secret within in the vault; and the value to update/create the secret with.

Using the base HashiCorp Vault example from the top of the page, this can be extended to update secrets as follows:

Register-PodeSecretVault -Name 'HcpVault' `
    -VaultParameters @{
        Address = ''
    } `
    -ScriptBlock {
        param($config, $key)
        return (vault kv get -format json -address $config.Address -mount secret $key | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable)
    } `
    -SetScriptBlock {
        param($config, $key, $value)
        vault kv put -address $config.Address -mount secret $key "$($value.Keys[0])=$($value.Values[0])"

# mount a secret using the above vault, and retrieve the "secret/data/tools/github"
Mount-PodeSecret -Name 'Github' -Vault 'HcpVault' -Key 'tools/github'

# reference this secret in a route to update the api token
Add-PodeRoute -Method Put -Path '/api-token' -ScriptBlock {
    $secret:Github = @{
        api_token = $WebEvent.Data.ApiToken


In order to be able to remove secrets, you will need to supply a -RemoveScriptBlock parameter on Register-PodeSecretVault. Without this, the following will fail:

The -RemoveScriptBlock scriptblock, when invoked, will be passed the -VaultParameters and the key/path to the secret within in the vault.

Using the base HashiCorp Vault example from the top of the page, this can be extended to remove secrets as follows:

Register-PodeSecretVault -Name 'HcpVault' `
    -VaultParameters @{
        Address = ''
    } `
    -ScriptBlock {
        param($config, $key)
        return (vault kv get -format json -address $config.Address -mount secret $key | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable)
    } `
    -RemoveScriptBlock {
        param($config, $key)
        vault kv destroy -address $config.Address -versions 1 -mount secret $key

# mount a secret using the above vault, and retrieve the "secret/data/tools/github"
Mount-PodeSecret -Name 'Github' -Vault 'HcpVault' -Key 'tools/github'

# reference this secret in a route to delete it
Add-PodeRoute -Method Delete -Path '/api-token' -ScriptBlock {
    Dismount-PodeSecret -Name 'Github' -Remove


In order to be able to unlock the vault, you will need to supply an -UnlockScriptBlock parameter on Register-PodeSecretVault. Without this, the following will fail:

The -UnlockScriptBlock scriptblock, when invoked, will be passed the -VaultParameters and the unlock secret supplied to Register-PodeSecretVault.

Using the base HashiCorp Vault example from the top of the page, this can be extended to unlock the vault:

Register-PodeSecretVault -Name 'HcpVault' `
    -VaultParameters @{
        Address = ''
    } `
    -ScriptBlock {
        param($config, $key)
        return (vault kv get -format json -address $config.Address -mount secret $key | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable)
    } `
    -UnlockSecret 'some-secret-vault' -UnlockScriptBlock {
        param($config, $secret)
        vault operator unseal -address $config.Address $secret


You can return a DateTime object from the -UnlockScriptBlock to specify a custom time for Pode to re-invoke the scriptblock again - rather than using the -UnlockInterval parameter. If no DateTime is returned, then -UnlockInterval will be used by default if it has been supplied.


You can still call Unregister-PodeSecretVault for a custom vault without supplying an -UnregisterScriptBlock, but nothing will occur - other than the vault being removed from within Pode.

If you do supply an -UnregisterScriptBlock, then this will be called just before the vault is removed from within Pode. The scriptblock, when invoked, will be just supplied the -VaultParameters.

Using the base HashiCorp Vault example from the top of the page, this can be extended to run some custom logic when the vault is unregistered - in this case, as an example only(!), the vault will be locked:

Register-PodeSecretVault -Name 'HcpVault' `
    -VaultParameters @{
        Address = ''
    } `
    -ScriptBlock {
        param($config, $key)
        return (vault kv get -format json -address $config.Address -mount secret $key | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable)
    } `
    -UnregisterScriptBlock {
        vault operator seal -address $config.Address


The following example is an aggregated example of everything mentioned above put together. It will register a custom vault for HashiCorp Vault, with Set, Remove, Unlock and Unregister support.

Start-PodeServer {
    # listen on localhost:8080
    Add-PodeEndpoint -Address * -Port 8080 -Protocol Http

    # register a custom vault for HashiCorp Vault
    Register-PodeSecretVault -Name 'HcpVault' `
        -VaultParameters @{
            Address = ''
        } `
        -ScriptBlock {
            param($config, $key)
            return (vault kv get -format json -address $config.Address -mount secret $key | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable)
        } `
        -SetScriptBlock {
            param($config, $key, $value)
            vault kv put -address $config.Address -mount secret $key "$($value.Keys[0])=$($value.Values[0])"
        } `
        -RemoveScriptBlock {
            param($config, $key)
            vault kv destroy -address $config.Address -versions 1 -mount secret $key
        } `
        -UnlockSecret 'some-secret-vault' -UnlockScriptBlock {
            param($config, $secret)
            vault operator unseal -address $config.Address $secret
        } `
        -UnregisterScriptBlock {
            vault operator seal -address $config.Address

    # mount a secret using the above vault, and retrieve the "secret/data/tools/github"
    Mount-PodeSecret -Name 'Github' -Vault 'HcpVault' -Key 'tools/github'

    # reference this secret in a route to "release" something
    Add-PodeRoute -Method Post -Path '/release' -ScriptBlock {
        Publish-Release -ApiToken $secret:Github.api_token

    # reference this secret in a route to update the api token
    Add-PodeRoute -Method Put -Path '/api-token' -ScriptBlock {
        $secret:Github = @{
            api_token = $WebEvent.Data.ApiToken

    # reference this secret in a route to delete it
    Add-PodeRoute -Method Delete -Path '/api-token' -ScriptBlock {
        Dismount-PodeSecret -Name 'Github' -Remove