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Secret Management

Pode can register secret vaults using Microsoft's SecretManagement PowerShell module, plus extensions.


An overview of general features can be found here.


When registering a secret vault via Register-PodeSecretVault using the SecretManagement module, besides a -Name and -VaultParameters the only other mandatory parameter is -ModuleName; this is the name of the extension module to use with the SecretManagement module. Besides calling the SecretManagement's Register-SecretVault, Pode will also automatically import the SecretManagement and extension modules into Pode's runspaces for you.

For example, if we were registering an Azure KeyVault this would be Az.KeyVault:

Register-PodeSecretVault -Name 'FriendlyVaultName' -ModuleName 'Az.KeyVault' -VaultParameters @{
    AZKVaultName = 'VaultNameInAzure'
    SubscriptionId = $SubscriptionId

The only other SecretManagement specific parameter is -VaultName. This parameter can be used to give the actual name of the vault, while keeping the -Name parameter as a better more friendlier name. If no -VaultName is supplied then -Name is used instead. Using the same example as above, but this time we specify a specific vault name to pass to Register-SecretVault:

Register-PodeSecretVault -Name 'FriendlyVaultName' -VaultName 'VaultNameInAzure' -ModuleName 'Az.KeyVault' -VaultParameters @{
    AZKVaultName = 'VaultNameInAzure'
    SubscriptionId = $SubscriptionId

If you use Unregister-PodeSecretVault, then Pode will also call the SecretManagement's Unregister-SecretVault.


More information can be found here, but if the SecretManagement module is installed then Pode will automatically import/register any secret vaults already registered.

Any secret vaults registered this way will no be automatically unregistered when the server stops.


The following example registered an Azure KeyVault, mounts a secret from the vault into Pode, and then adds two Routes - one to retrieve the value, and another one to update the value:



Start-PodeServer {
    Add-PodeEndpoint -Address * -Port 8080 -Protocol Http

    # secret manage azure keyvault - need to run "Connect-AzAccount" first!
    Register-PodeSecretVault -Name 'FriendlyVaultName' -ModuleName 'Az.KeyVault' -VaultParameters @{
        AZKVaultName = $VaultName
        SubscriptionId = $SubscriptionId

    # mount a secret from az keyvault
    Mount-PodeSecret -Name 'SecretName' -Vault 'FriendlyVaultName' -Key 'AKVSecretName'

    # routes to get/update secret in az keyvault
    Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/secret' -ScriptBlock {
        Write-PodeJsonResponse @{ Value = $secret:SecretName }

    Add-PodeRoute -Method Post -Path '/secret' -ScriptBlock {
        $secret:SecretName = $WebEvent.Data.Value

To retrieve the value:

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'http://localhost:8080/secret'

And to update the value:

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'http://localhost:8080/secret' -Method Post -Body @{
    Value = '<new_value>'