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A Timer in Pode is a short-running async task. All timers in Pode run in the same runspace along side your main server logic - so aim to keep them as short running as possible. Timers have unique names, and iterate on a defined number of seconds.


Since all timers are run within the same runspace, it is wise to keep them as short running as possible. If you require a long-running task it's recommend to use Schedules instead.

Create a Timer

You can create a new timer using Add-PodeTimer. To create a basic Timer, the following example will work; this will loop every 5 seconds outputting the date/time:

Add-PodeTimer -Name 'date' -Interval 5 -ScriptBlock {
    Write-Host "$([DateTime]::Now)"

Usually all timers are created within the main Start-PodeServer scope, however it is possible to create adhoc timers with routes/etc. If you create adhoc timers in this manner, you might notice that they don't run; this is because the Runspace that timers use to run won't have been configured. You can configure by using -EnablePool on Start-PodeServer:

Start-PodeServer -EnablePool Timers {
    Add-PodeEndpoint -Address * -Port 8080 -Protocol Http

    Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/create-timer' -ScriptBlock {
        Add-PodeTimer -Name 'example' -Interval 5 -ScriptBlock {
            # logic


You can supply custom arguments to be passed to your timers by using the -ArgumentList parameter. This parameter takes an array of objects, which will be splatted onto the timer's scriptblock:

Add-PodeTimer -Name 'example' -Interval 5 -ArgumentList 'Item1', 'Item2' -ScriptBlock {
    param($i1, $i2)

    # $i1 will be 'Item1'

Delayed Start

The -Skip <int> parameter will cause the Timer to skip its first initial triggers. For example, if you have a Timer run every 10 seconds, and you pass -Skip 5, then the timer will first run after 50 seconds (10secs * skip 5).

The following will create a Timer that runs every 10 seconds, and skips the first 5 iterations:

Add-PodeTimer -Name 'date' -Interval 10 -Skip 5 -ScriptBlock {
    Write-Host "$([DateTime]::Now)"

Run X Times

Normally a Timer will run forever, or at least until you terminate the server. Sometimes you might want a Timer to end early, or only run once. To do this you use the -Limit <int> parameter, which defines the number of times the Timer should execute.

The following will run every 20 seconds, and will only run 3 times:

Add-PodeTimer -Name 'date' -Interval 20 -Limit 3 -ScriptBlock {
    Write-Host "$([DateTime]::Now)"

Script from File

You normally define a timer's script using the -ScriptBlock parameter however, you can also reference a file with the required scriptblock using -FilePath. Using the -FilePath parameter will dot-source a scriptblock from the file, and set it as the timer's script.

For example, to create a timer from a file that will output Hello, world every 2secs:

  • File.ps1

        'Hello, world!' | Out-PodeHost

  • Timer

    Add-PodeTimer -Name 'from-file' -Interval 2 -FilePath './Timers/File.ps1'

Getting Timers

The Get-PodeTimer helper function will allow you to retrieve a list of timers configured within Pode. You can use it to retrieve all of the timers, or supply filters to retrieve specific ones.

To retrieve all of the timers, you can call the function will no parameters. To filter, here are some examples:

# one timer by name
Get-PodeTimer -Name Name1

# multiple timers by name
Get-PodeTimer -Name Name1, Name2

Manual Trigger

You can manually trigger a timer by using Invoke-PodeTimer. This will run the timer immediately, and will not count towards a timer's run limit:

Invoke-PodeTimer -Name 'timer-name'

You can also pass further optional arguments that will be supplied to the timer's scriptblock by using -ArgumentList, which is an array of objects that will be splatted:

Add-PodeTimer -Name 'date' -Interval 5 -ScriptBlock {
    Write-Host $date

Invoke-PodeTimer -Name 'date' -ArgumentList ([DateTime]::Now)

If you supply an -ArgumentList on Add-PodeTimer and on Invoke-PodeTimer, then the main timer arguments are splatted first:

Add-PodeTimer -Name 'example' -Interval 5 -ArgumentList 'Item1', 'Item2' -ScriptBlock {
    param($i1, $i2, $a1, $a2)

    # $i1 will be 'Item1'
    # $a1 will be 'Arg1'

Invoke-PodeTimer -Name 'date' -ArgumentList 'Arg1', 'Arg2'

Timer Object


Be careful if you choose to edit these objects, as they will affect the server.

The following is the structure of the Timer object internally, as well as the object that is returned from Get-PodeTimer:

Name Type Description
Name string The name of the Timer
Interval int How often the Timer runs, defined in seconds
Limit int The number of times the Timer should run - 0 if running forever
Skip int The number of times the Timer should skip being triggered
Count int The number of times the Timer has run
LastTriggerTime datetime The datetime the Timer was last triggered
NextTriggerTime datetime The datetime the Timer will next be triggered
Script scriptblock The scriptblock of the Timer
Arguments object[] The arguments supplied from ArgumentList
OnStart bool Should the Timer run once when the server is starting, or once the server has fully loaded
Completed bool Has the Timer completed all of its runs