This page details the output actions available to Tables.
To create a new table, usually appended beneath the sending element, you can use Out-PodeWebTable
New-PodeWebContainer -NoBackground -Content @(
New-PodeWebButton -Name 'Show Processes' -ScriptBlock {
Get-Process |
Sort-Object -Property CPU -Descending |
Select-Object -First 15 -Property Name, ID, WorkingSet, CPU |
To update a table on the page, you can use Update-PodeWebTable
New-PodeWebContainer -NoBackground -Content @(
New-PodeWebButton -Name 'Update Processes' -ScriptBlock {
Get-Process |
Sort-Object -Property CPU -Descending |
Select-Object -First 15 -Property Name, ID, WorkingSet, CPU |
Update-PodeWebTable -Name 'Processes'
New-PodeWebTable -Name 'Processes' -NoRefresh -ScriptBlock {
Get-Process |
Sort-Object -Property CPU -Descending |
Select-Object -First 15 -Property Name, ID, WorkingSet, CPU
Update Row
To update a single row in the table you can use Update-PodeWebTableRow
. You need to supply the table's ID/Name, and then either the index of the row, or the value of that row's -DataColumn
. The -Data
is a HashTable/PSCustomObject containing the properties/columns that you want to update:
New-PodeWebContainer -NoBackground -Content @(
New-PodeWebTable -Name 'Processes' -DataColumn ID -NoRefresh -ScriptBlock {
$refreshBtn = New-PodeWebButton -Name 'Refresh' -Icon 'refresh-cw' -IconOnly -ScriptBlock {
$processId = $WebEvent.Data.Value
Get-Process -Id $processId |
Select-Object -Property WorkingSet, CPU |
Update-PodeWebTableRow -Name 'Processes' -DataValue $processId
Get-Process |
Sort-Object -Property CPU -Descending |
Select-Object -First 15 |
ForEach-Object {
Name = $_.Name
ID = $_.ID
WorkingSet = $_.WorkingSet
CPU = $_.CPU
Refresh = @($refreshBtn)
To force a table to refresh its data you can use Sync-PodeWebTable
New-PodeWebContainer -NoBackground -Content @(
New-PodeWebButton -Name 'Refresh Processes' -ScriptBlock {
Sync-PodeWebTable -Name 'Processes'
New-PodeWebTable -Name 'Processes' -NoRefresh -ScriptBlock {
Get-Process |
Sort-Object -Property CPU -Descending |
Select-Object -First 15 -Property Name, ID, WorkingSet, CPU
To clear a table's data you can use Clear-PodeWebTable
New-PodeWebContainer -NoBackground -Content @(
New-PodeWebButton -Name 'Clear Processes' -ScriptBlock {
Clear-PodeWebTable -Name 'Processes'
New-PodeWebTable -Name 'Processes' -NoRefresh -ScriptBlock {
Get-Process |
Sort-Object -Property CPU -Descending |
Select-Object -First 15 -Property Name, ID, WorkingSet, CPU
Hide Column
To hide a column within a table, you can use Hide-PodeWebTableColumn
. You'll need to supply the table's ID/Name and then the Key of column, specified via Initialize-PodeWebTableColumn
(or the Key used in a PSCustomObject or Hashtable used to build the table):
New-PodeWebCard -Content @(
New-PodeWebButton -Name 'HideCPU' -ScriptBlock {
Hide-PodeWebColumn -Name 'Processes' -Key 'CPU'
New-PodeWebTable `
-Name 'Processes' `
-Paginate `
-Compact `
-ScriptBlock {
$processes = Get-Process | Select-Object -Property Name, ID, WorkingSet, CPU
$totalCount = $processes.Length
$pageIndex = [int]$WebEvent.Data.PageIndex
$pageSize = [int]$WebEvent.Data.PageSize
$processes = $processes[(($pageIndex - 1) * $pageSize) .. (($pageIndex * $pageSize) - 1)]
$processes | Update-PodeWebTable -Name $ElementData.Name -PageIndex $pageIndex -TotalItemCount $totalCount
} `
-Columns @(
Initialize-PodeWebTableColumn -Key 'Name'
Initialize-PodeWebTableColumn -Key 'ID'
Initialize-PodeWebTableColumn -Key 'WorkingSet' -Name 'Memory' -Alignment Center -Width 10
Initialize-PodeWebTableColumn -Key 'CPU'
Show Column
To show a column within a table, you can use Show-PodeWebTableColumn
. You'll need to supply the table's ID/Name and then the Key of column, specified via Initialize-PodeWebTableColumn
(or the Key used in a PSCustomObject or Hashtable used to build the table):
New-PodeWebCard -Content @(
New-PodeWebButton -Name 'ShowCPU' -ScriptBlock {
Show-PodeWebColumn -Name 'Processes' -Key 'CPU'
New-PodeWebTable `
-Name 'Processes' `
-Paginate `
-Compact `
-ScriptBlock {
$processes = Get-Process | Select-Object -Property Name, ID, WorkingSet, CPU
$totalCount = $processes.Length
$pageIndex = [int]$WebEvent.Data.PageIndex
$pageSize = [int]$WebEvent.Data.PageSize
$processes = $processes[(($pageIndex - 1) * $pageSize) .. (($pageIndex * $pageSize) - 1)]
$processes | Update-PodeWebTable -Name $ElementData.Name -PageIndex $pageIndex -TotalItemCount $totalCount
} `
-Columns @(
Initialize-PodeWebTableColumn -Key 'Name'
Initialize-PodeWebTableColumn -Key 'ID'
Initialize-PodeWebTableColumn -Key 'WorkingSet' -Name 'Memory' -Alignment Center -Width 10
Initialize-PodeWebTableColumn -Key 'CPU' -Hide