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This page details the output actions available to FileStream elements.


To clear the content of a FileStream, you can use Clear-PodeWebFileStream:

New-PodeWebContainer -NoBackground -Content @(
    New-PodeWebButton -Name 'Clear' -ScriptBlock {
        Clear-PodeWebFileStream -Name 'Example'

    New-PodeWebFileStream -Name 'Example' -Url '/logs/error.log'


To start a FileStream that's paused, you can use Start-PodeWebFileSteam:

New-PodeWebContainer -NoBackground -Content @(
    New-PodeWebButton -Name 'Start' -ScriptBlock {
        Start-PodeWebFileStream -Name 'Example'

    New-PodeWebFileStream -Name 'Example' -Url '/logs/error.log'


To stop/pause a FileStream that's running, you can use Stop-PodeWebFileSteam:

New-PodeWebContainer -NoBackground -Content @(
    New-PodeWebButton -Name 'Stop' -ScriptBlock {
        Stop-PodeWebFileStream -Name 'Example'

    New-PodeWebFileStream -Name 'Example' -Url '/logs/error.log'


To restart a FileStream, you can use Restart-PodeWebFileSteam and this will stop, clear, and the start the FileStream element:

New-PodeWebContainer -NoBackground -Content @(
    New-PodeWebButton -Name 'Restart' -ScriptBlock {
        Restart-PodeWebFileStream -Name 'Example'

    New-PodeWebFileStream -Name 'Example' -Url '/logs/error.log'


To update the Url that a FileStream is currently streaming data from, you can use Update-PodeWebFileStream. This will stop, clear, update the Url, and the start the FileStream element:

New-PodeWebContainer -NoBackground -Content @(
    New-PodeWebButton -Name 'Update 1' -ScriptBlock {
        Update-PodeWebFileStream -Name 'Example' -Url '/logs/error.log'
    New-PodeWebButton -Name 'Update 2' -ScriptBlock {
        Update-PodeWebFileStream -Name 'Example' -Url '/logs/error2.log'

    New-PodeWebFileStream -Name 'Example' -Url '/logs/error.log'