A hero is a layout that renders with a title, message, and extra optional content. They're the big display messages that are normally seen at the top of websites with buttons like "Download Now!" etc.
A hero can take an array of components via -Content
, that can be either other layouts or raw elements.
To create a hero layout you use New-PodeWebHero
, and supply it a -Title
, -Message
and an optional array of -Content
For example, the below renders a hero with a title, message, and content for further text and a button:
New-PodeWebHero -Title 'Welcome!' -Message 'This is an example Hero for Pode.Web' -Content @(
New-PodeWebText -Value 'Pode.Web lets you build websites using PowerShell.' -InParagraph -Alignment Center
New-PodeWebParagraph -Alignment Center -Elements @(
New-PodeWebButton -Name 'Repository' -Icon Link -Url 'https://github.com/Badgerati/Pode.Web'
Which would look like below: