A container is similar to a card layout, but it has not title, nor can it be collapsed. It's a way of group multiple elements together, with the option of making the background of the container transparent.
A container takes an array of components via -Content
, that can be either other layouts or raw elements.
To create a container layout you use New-PodeWebContainer
, and supply it an array of -Content
For example, the below renders a container with a quote:
New-PodeWebContainer -Content @(
New-PodeWebQuote -Value 'Pode is awesome!' -Source 'Badgerati'
Which would look like below:
Or with no background:
New-PodeWebContainer -NoBackground -Content @(
New-PodeWebQuote -Value 'Pode is awesome!' -Source 'Badgerati'
Which would look like below: