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A carousel layout is an array of slides with content, each slide can also have a title and a message. The slides will periodically move between one-another, with arrows on either side to manually move to the next slide.

The slides take an array of components via -Content, that can be either other layouts or raw elements.


To create a carousel layout you use New-PodeWebCarousel, and supply it an array of -Slides using New-PodeWebSlide. The slides themselves accept an array of -Content.

For example, the below renders a carousel with 3 slides each containing an image, a title, and a message:

New-PodeWebCarousel -Slides @(
    New-PodeWebSlide -Title Slide1 -Message 'This is a message' -Content @(
        New-PodeWebContainer -Nobackground -Content @(
            New-PodeWebQuote -Value 'Pode is awesome!' -Source 'Badgerati' -Alignment Center
    New-PodeWebSlide -Title Slide2 -Message 'This is a message' -Content @(
        New-PodeWebContainer -Nobackground -Content @(
            New-PodeWebQuote -Value 'You should try Pode.Web!' -Source 'Badgerati' -Alignment Center
    New-PodeWebSlide -Title Slide3 -Message 'This is a message' -Content @(
        New-PodeWebContainer -Nobackground -Content @(
            New-PodeWebQuote -Value 'PowerShell rocks!' -Source 'Badgerati' -Alignment Center

Which would look like below:
