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Events Yes

To play video clips on your site you can use New-PodeWebVideo. The video can be set to auto-play and loop, and can also accept multiple sources and tracks.

The sources specified can be done so via -Source and New-PodeWebVideoSource. Sources can only be of type MP4, OGG and WebM, and at least one source must be specified. An optional thumbnail Url can also be supplied, and this will be the image used for the video before it is played:

New-PodeWebCard -Content @(
    New-PodeWebVideo -Name 'example' -Thumbnail '' -Source @(
        New-PodeWebVideoSource -Url ''

Which looks like below:


Any optional tracks you wish to specify can be done via -Track and New-PodeWebMediaTrack. Tracks can only be of type VTT, and can be used for subtitles, captions, metadata, etc.

The -Language is mandatory if the track's -Type is subtitles, and should be a 2-letter language code.

New-PodeWebCard -Content @(
    New-PodeWebVideo -Name 'example' -Thumbnail '' -Source @(
        New-PodeWebVideoSource -Url ''
    ) `
    -Tracks @(
        New-PodeWebMediaSource -Url '/some/url/path/english.vtt' -Language 'en' -Title 'English' -Type 'subtitles' -Default


The -Width and -Height of a video have the default unit of %. If 0 is specified then 20% is used for the width, and 15% for the height instead. Any custom value such as 100px can be used, but if a plain number is used then % is appended.


The following specific events are supported by the Video element, and can be registered via Register-PodeWebMediaEvent:

Name Description
CanPlay Fires when the browser is ready to play the video
Ended Fires when the video has finished playing, unless looping
Pause Fires when the video is paused
Play Fires when the video is played, or un-paused


New-PodeWebVideo -Name 'example' -Thumbnail '' -Source @(
        New-PodeWebVideoSource -Url ''
    ) |
Register-PodeWebMediaEvent -Type Play -ScriptBlock {
    Show-PodeWebToast -Title 'Action' -Message $EventType