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You can display data rendered as a chart by using New-PodeWebChart
, and the following chart types are supported:
- Line (default)
- Bar
- Pie
- Doughnut
A chart gets its data from a supplied -ScriptBlock
, more information below, and you can set a -MaxItems
to be shown, and whether new data points should -Append
to the chart. You can also -AutoRefresh
a chart, to fetch new data every minute.
To supply data to be rendered on a chart, you have to supply a -ScritpBlock
which returns the appropriate data in the correct format; fortunately there's ConvertTo-PodeWebChartData
to help with this format.
You can pass values to the scriptblock by using the -ArgumentList
parameter. This accepts an array of values/objects, and they are supplied as parameters to the scriptblock:
New-PodeWebChart -Name 'Example Chart' -Type Line -ArgumentList 'Value1', 2, $false -ScriptBlock {
param($value1, $value2, $value3)
# $value1 = 'Value1'
# $value2 = 2
# $value3 = $false
Before showing the ConvertTo function, the data format needed is as follows: the returned value has be an array of hashtables, with each hashtable requires a Key
property, and a Values
property that's an array of further hashtables. The Key
is the value used on the X-axis, and the Values
is an array of data points used on the Y-axis. The Values
hashtables also has to contain a Key
and a Value
property - the Key
here is the dataset group name, and the Value
is the value on the Y-axis.
For example, the below will show a line chart consisting of 10 data points across 2 groups: Group1/Group2:
New-PodeWebContainer -Content @(
New-PodeWebChart -Name 'Example Chart' -Type Line -ScriptBlock {
return (1..10 | ForEach-Object {
Key = $_ # x-axis value
Values = @(
Key = 'Group1'
Value = (Get-Random -Maximum 10) # y-axis value
Key = 'Group2'
Value = (Get-Random -Maximum 10) # y-axis value
which renders a chart that looks like below:
If you click the refresh button in the top-left corner, the -ScriptBlock
will be re-invoked, and the chart updated:
The ConvertTo-PodeWebChartData
helps to simplify the above a raw format, by letting you convert data at the end of a pipeline. The function takes a -LabelProperty
which is the name of a property in the input that should be used for the X-axis, and then a -DatasetProperty
with is property names for Y-axis values.
For example, let's say we want to display the top 10 processes using the most CPU. We want to display the process name, and its CPU and Memory usage, and we want it to auto-refresh every minute:
New-PodeWebContainer -Content @(
New-PodeWebChart -Name 'Top Processes' -Type Bar -AutoRefresh -ScriptBlock {
Get-Process |
Sort-Object -Property CPU -Descending |
Select-Object -First 10 |
ConvertTo-PodeWebChartData -LabelProperty ProcessName -DatasetProperty CPU, Handles
which renders a chart that looks like below:
A chart has 15 default colours that they can be rendered using. These colours can be customised if required, by suppling an array of hex colour codes to the -Colours
For example, to render the below bar chart with reg/green bars, you could use:
New-PodeWebContainer -Content @(
New-PodeWebChart -Name 'Top Processes' -Type Bar -AutoRefresh -Colours '#ff0000', '#00ff00' -ScriptBlock {
Get-Process |
Sort-Object -Property CPU -Descending |
Select-Object -First 10 |
ConvertTo-PodeWebChartData -LabelProperty ProcessName -DatasetProperty CPU, Handles
Now let's say we want -AutoRefresh
a chart every minute, and we want it to display the current CPU usage, but only for the last 15 minutes. To do this, you have to supply -Append
and any data returned from the -ScriptBlock
will be appended to the chart instead. To restrict the data points to 15 minutes, we can supply -MaxItems 15
It would also be nice to have the X-axis labels be timestamps, and Pode.Web can automatically show a data points time stamp by using the -TimeLabels
The below example would render this chart for us:
New-PodeWebChart -Name 'CPU Usage' -Type Line -AutoRefresh -Append -TimeLabels -MaxItems 15 -AsCard -ScriptBlock {
return @{
Values = ((Get-Counter -Counter '\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time' -SampleInterval 1 -MaxSamples 2).CounterSamples.CookedValue | Measure-Object -Average).Average
which renders a chart that looks like below:
First Load
The scriptblock has access to the $WebEvent
, and when a chart requests its -ScriptBlock
for the first time, $WebEvent.Data.FirstLoad
will have a value of '1'
. This will let you preload data on your chart on its first load, and then just return 1 data point thereafter to be appended.
Windows Counters
To display line charts for Windows Performance Counters more easily, Pode.Web has an inbuilt New-PodeWebCounterChart
. When used, this automatically sets up an auto-refreshing, timestamped, appending line chart for you; all you have to do is supply the name of the counter, and it will show a chart for up to the last 30mins.
For example, taking the above CPU example, this would be it using the inbuilt helper:
New-PodeWebCounterChart -Counter '\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time' -AsCard
which renders a chart that looks like below:
The -Height
of a chart has the default unit of px
. If 0
is specified then auto
is used instead. Any custom value such as 10%
can be used, but if a plain number is used then px
is appended.