Release Notes
Date: 23rd February 2025
### Features
* #1445: Adds support for Kerberos/NTLM authentication
* #1461: Adds Disable/Enable functionality, so you can block the server from accepting new requests (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1461: Adds Suspend/Resume functionality, so you can pause all runspaces/operations (thanks @mdaneri!)
### Enhancements
* #1461: Improves console output, and adds more key bindings for more control (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1469: Improved Access and Rate Limiting Middleware
* #1487: Adds support for retrying failed Task processes
* #1488: Adds support for retrieving the IP address from the X-Forwarded-For header, for Access/Rate Limit rules
### Bugs
* #1454: Fix OpenAPI Route Parameter Handling in Pode (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1460: Fixes ObjectDisposedException in during SSL/TLS operations (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1482: Fix for how the content-transfer-encoding SMTP header is extracted
* #1483: Set initial runspace location to be the Server Root path
### Documentation
* #1447: Documentation Spelling Fixes (thanks @ArieHein!)
* #1484: Add documentation for the various Route response type functions
### Packaging
* #1448: Update PowerShell to 7.2.24 for CI environment due to unavailability of 7.2.19 (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1452: Adds PS7.5 workflow (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1452: Bumps .NET version to .NET9 (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1452: Bumps InvokeBuild to v5.12.0 (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1452: Bumps MkDocs to v1.6.1 (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1457: Bump Alpine version in Docker image to v3.20
* #1457: Remove PS7.2 and .NET6 support, as they're EOL now
* #1486: Bumps PowerShell in Dockerfiles to v7.5
* #1489: Bumps Pester to v5.7.1 (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1490: Bump MkDocs-Material theme to v9.6.4
### Security
* #1444: Adds VirusTotal package scanning Action
Date: 3rd November 2024
### Enhancements
* #1409: Adds new/missing CSP parameters in security headers
### Bugs
* #1407: 'Initialize-PodeOpenApiTable' fails to initialize OpenAPI table when 'DefaultDefinitionTag' param is Null (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1413: Fixes Test-PodeCacheStorage being called with incorrect -Key parameter (thanks @willgladstone!)
* #1418: Fix for ConvertTo-PodeYaml failing, when passed object contains a Key named "Count" (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1420: Fix for OpenAPI Component Properties, Server Endpoint, and Path Filtering Issues (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1423: Fix OpenAPI Route Path Conversion for Placeholder Unescaping and Relocate Function (#1422) (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1424: Refactor Byte Conversion Functions (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1424: Remove Duplicate Task Process Definitions (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1427: Fixes "collection modified" error when cleaning up sessions
* #1430: Add-PodeOAComponentRequestBody now supports hashtable/ordered input (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1430: Fix OpenAPI Route parameters so they respect the DefinitionTag (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1430: More appropriately order responses, parameters, and request bodies in OpenAPI (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1430: Order Routes in OpenAPI specification by creation, and HTTP methods in a more conventional order (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1434: Fixes the clean-up of old log files (thanks @DoLearnWhileAlive!)
* #1436: Add -AllowNonStandardBody Parameter to Enable Request Bodies for Non-Standard HTTP Methods in OpenAPI (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1438: Fixes the unnecessary Error Logging on HTTP Request Timeouts (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1439: Don't setup the Caching Housekeeper Timer in a Serverless context
* #1440: Fixes error message appearing when using self-signed certificates on localhost
### Security
* #1428: Migrates Stream functions into the .NET Listener
### Packaging
* #1404: Add Pester Test to Check for Duplicate Function Definitions (thanks @mdaneri!)
Date: 29th September 2024
### Features
* #1320: Enhanced Internationalization Support (i18n) (thanks @mdaneri!)
### Enhancements
* #1338: Automate Endpoint Assignment for OAViewer in Pode (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1339: Add 'Rename-PodeOADefinitionTag' Function (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1340: Add configuration parameter 'Web.OpenApi.UsePodeYamlInternal' (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1352: Update MIME types to comply with RFC9512 and RFC5323 (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1356: Dutch language support (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1373: Dynamically load the Pode DLL relevant to the version of PowerShell (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1384: Customizing and Managing Runspace Names (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1388: Support passing Arrays to Functions Using Piping (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1393: Adds functions for retrieving Schedule and Task Processes
* #1393: Improves Error Handling in Schedules, Timers, Tasks, and Logging
* #1393: Removes Global scope from TimerEvent
* #1399: Replaces occurrences of New-Object with new()
### Bugs
* #1319: Fixes the Write-Pode(*)Response functions so the Value parameter appropriately handles when an array is passed using piping (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1321: Fixes a misspelled variable in Add-PodeOAExternalRoute (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1347: '-AdditionalProperties' doesn't appear on the OpenAPI document despite using the '-NoAdditionalProperties' parameter. (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1358: Fixes [ordered] comparisons in PowerShell 5.1 (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1358: Fixes for various OpenAPI issues (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1358: Fixes OpenAPI version validation check in PowerShell 5.1 (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1359: Fixes the login redirect URL logic for OAuth2 flows when using -SuccessUseOrigin
* #1360: Fixes a bug when exporting more than 1 module
* #1369: Accurate Output with -NoDefaultResponses (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1369: Correct Schema with -NoProperties (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1369: Fixes for OpenAPI Generation: Exception with oneOf/anyOf/allOf (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1369: Include Min/Max Properties (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1369: Prevent Request Body on GET Operations (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1379: Fixes SSL timeouts when running Pode in PS7.4+
* #1390: Changes "-ContentMediaType" and "-MediaType" parameters to "-ContentType" on most OpenAPI functions (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1390: Ensures the generated OpenAPI document now maintains element ordering (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1390: Fixes OpenAPI DefinitionTag being null in some functions (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1390: Fixes OpenAPI PowerShell 5.1 compatibility issue while testing schemas (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1397: Fixes retrieving DNS domain name on macOS
* #1400: Fixes session scoped variable when remapping while setting values
* #1400: Fixes User being needlessly splatted when passed to scriptblock for some Authentication methods
### Documentation
* #1332: Adds documentation for CORS (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1332: Adds missing features to the Feature List (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1332: Splits OpenAPI documentation into multiple pages (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1332: Updates Known Issues for PowerShell classes with PS7.4's SafeThread support (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1333: Cleans up the Examples in the repository, and adds them to the Documentation (thanks @mdaneri!)
### Packaging
* #1322: Applies a fix for a PS7.5 bug with Remove-Item throwing divide by zero error
* #1323: Fix build error when dotnet tries to restore from offline NuGet cache
* #1328: Make preview builds optional for PR merges
* #1342: Add GitHub Codespace Configuration and Getting Started Guide for Pode (thanks @mdaneri!)
### Dependencies
* #1341: Bump actions/add-to-project from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2
Date: 27th May 2024
### Bugs
* #1300: Adds a Test-Path check when loading modules
* #1300: Fixes a stack overflow exception when using: scoped variables are remapped
* #1301: Adds missing Name property to WindowsAd, WindowsLocal, and UserFile authentications
* #1303: Handle SecretStore vaults better with inbuilt defaults
* #1303: Resolve a threading issue with secrets
### Documentation
* #1290: Fixes a typo in (thanks @fatherofinvention!)
* #1302: Alter Pode views documentation page to use Get-LocalUser instead of dummy function
* #1303: Write documentation for SecretStore vaults
* #1313: Adds documentation for CIM modules, and needing to import them first
### Packaging
* #1304: Bumps InvokeBuild to 5.11.1
* #1304: Ported a more concise and stable version of the PowerShell installer for workflows
* #1305: Only run CI workflows when required
* #1312: Adds auto release notes generator to build file
* #1315: Fixes docker builds on GitHub runners
* #1315: Removes support for PS7.3 GitHub runners, and NET7 now that they are EOL
* #1316: Split the license file up, add missing ones, and add the dependency licenses to be released with Pode
### Dependencies
* #1309: Bump the version of mkdocs to 1.6.0
* #1309: Bump the version of mkdocs-material theme to 9.5.23
* #1310: Have Dependabot ensure that GitHub actions are up-to-date
* #1311: Bump actions/add-to-project from 0.3.0 to 1.0.1
* #1314: Bump Dockerfiles to PowerShell 7.4
Date: 15th April 2024
### Features
* #1197: Adds support for inbuilt caching of values
* #1238: Adds support for creating custom scoped variables
* #1256: Adds support for converting HTTP connections into SSE connections
* #1266: Adds support for a File Browsing page on static routes (thanks @mdaneri!)
### Enhancements
* #1136: Adds full support for OpenAPI v3.0.3 and v3.1 (**huge** thanks to @mdaneri! 🎉)
* #1239: Adds the missing HTTP 425 response status code
* #1242: Adds support for enabling "session per browser Tab"
* #1265: Adds support for customising the default folder paths, such as `/views` (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1267: Adds support for `-DualMode` on `Add-PodeEndpoint`, allowing endpoints to listen on IPv4 and IPv6
* #1276: Adds supported and EOL PowerShell checks during server start (thanks @mdaneri!)
### Bugs
* #1246: Fixes static route ordering, and redirecting to default file
* #1258: Fixes a script modification issue when using scriptblocks with `Add-PodePage` (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1279: Fixes a scoping issue when using `Add-PodeRouteGroup`
* #1281: Removes an erroneous `break` command when broadcasting messages to websockets
* #1138: Fixes the status code for expired JWT, from 400 to 401 (thanks @mdaneri!)
### Documentation
* #1232: Updates Sessions page to fix Redis example (thanks @Szeraax!)
* #1234: Updates Tasks page to explain Task concurrency and Argument passing (thanks @Szeraax!)
* #1276: Adds supported PowerShell documentation (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1277: Fix for missing merged authentication documentation
* #1282: Adds documentation describing how to debug Pode
### Packaging
* #1261: Add support to the build script for Linux and Mac (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1262: Migrates tests to Pester 5.5.0 (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1269: Adds PSScriptAnalyzerSettings to run during CI pipelines (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1264, #1273: Adds CI pipelines per supported PowerShell version (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1276: Adds .NET8 support (thanks @mdaneri!)
* #1284: Adds additional unit tests to verify PowerShell syntax and structure
* #1286: General tidy-up and release prep
Date: 30th October 2023
### Features
* #992: Introduces new Authorisation middleware support
### Enhancements
* #588: Adds support for merging Authentication methods into a new Authentication method
* #1082, #1107: Adds a new "Running" event type, which will be triggered once all Runspaces have started
* #1101: Adds a new `-SslProtocol` parameter to `Add-PodeEndpoint`, to allow setting SSL Protocols per endpoint
* #1106: Adds two new Security functions to control the hiding/showing of the Server header in responses
* #1142: The `Test-PodeJwt` function is now public (thanks @alan-null!)
* #1163: Adds a new "Session" authentication method, useful if you need multiple authentication methods and the user can choose one
### Bugs
* #1030: Fixes an issue with some Authentication methods when `-AsCredential` was supplied on the scheme
* #1081: Don't attempt to parse the query string if there is no query string supplied
* #1083: Fixes a time-zone issue when verifying JWT "exp" and "nbf" properties (thanks @avin3sh!)
* #1087: Fixes an SMTP body parsing issue when multiple headers are in the request
* #1093: Allow greater JSON depths to be used when saving/restoring State (thanks @plk!)
* #1125: Fixes an issue where Verbs weren't being cleared down appropriately on server restart
* #1130: When request logging is enabled, and an authenticated user is available, the username will now be used and not "-"
* #1137: Fixes the loading of AutoImport configuration - it was being ignored!
### Documentation
* #1078: Adds release dates to the releases notes page
* #1099: Adds a reference to the "Protected Users" group in the AD Authentication page
* #1115, #1116: Fixes incorrect ports in Example scripts (thanks @ArieHein!)
* #1117, #1118, #1119: Fixes markdown syntax in pages (thanks @ArieHein!)
* #1123: Adds reference link about using the SecretManagement module in automation scenarios
* #1133: Fixes broken links to functions (thanks @Chris--A!)
* #1141: Updates the IIS page to reference the use of Maximum Worker Processes, and Sessions being stored in-memory
### Packaging
* #1169: Adds a `.vscode` workspace settings file, with PowerShell code formatting settings
* #1170: Bumps the Alpine version to 3.17, and Ubuntu to 22.04 in Dockerfiles
* #1171: Bumps the versions of MkDocs and the Material theme
Date: 2nd February 2023
### Features
* #980: Adds support for Secret Management, either via the SecretManagement module or using custom logic
* #1063: Adds support for File Watchers, allowing you to run logic on file events
* #1067: Adds support for Mutexes and Semaphores
### Enhancements
* #647: Adds a new helper function, `New-PodeCron`, to help with creating cron expressions for schedules
* #964: Adds a new `-IfExists` parameter for Routes, letting you now specify if Pode should overwrite a Route if it already exists
* #996: Multiple `-Method` values can now be passed for Routes
* #1036: Adds functions to reset and retrieve the current session's expiry
* #1071: Adds support for the `CONNECT` HTTP method
### Bugs
* #1028: Fixes the QUIT command on the SMTP server to also return a "221 OK" response
* #1029: Resolves the "A drive with this name already exists" message
* #1041: Fixes a parsing error when sending form data from `Invoke-WebRequest`
* #1044: Fixes a duplicate key error when using the `multiple` attribute on HTML file inputs
* #1046: Fixes the version of Pode within its runspaces, so it's no "0.0"
* #1065: Fixes query string parsing when key is null (thanks @ili101!)
### Documentation
* #1009: Adds clarification around password formats when using a file to store user authentication details (thanks @fatherofinvention!)
* #1054: Fixes rendering issue with `Write-PodeHtmlResponse` example
* #1056: Fixes typo in logging documentation (thanks @fatherofinvention!)
### Packaging
* #1050: Bump Dockerfiles to use PS7.3
* #1051: Bump the PodeListener to use .NET7
* #1052: Bump version of mkdocs and material theme
Date: 18th October 2022
### Enhancements
* #1002: Adds a `-KeepCredential` switch for `Add-PodeAuthWindowsAd` (thanks @TheBakaBandit!)
### Bugs
* #988: Add missing `-ListenerType` parameter description for `Start-PodeServer`
* #1001: Fix no Verbs being defined from crashing the server on restart
### Documentation
* #975: Update the code sample image in the README to an SVG (thanks @pcgeek86!)
* #987: Adds the beginnings of a Roadmap and Project board
* #993: Improves documentation for the WebEvent variable
Date: 21st July 2022
### Bugs
* #990: Fix SMTP attachment name parsing, when the name contains a space
### Security
* #997: Fix an XSS exploit on the default error pages
Date: 22nd June 2022
### Features
* #895: Add support for server to be able to connect to external WebSockets
* #902: New TCP server, listener, and endpoints; plus Verbs support
* #976: Add support for grouping Routes
### Enhancements
* #901: Enable support for multiple SMTP endpoints, and certificates
* #954: Add anonymous route access support, when authentication is enabled on a route
* #960: Add RSET and NOOP SMTP commands
* #981: Add switch for AccessControl to create global Options route
* #982: Add * level for errors to enable everything
### Bugs
* #956: Fix for importing functions with inline parameters
* #957: Fix for some OpenAPI properties being dropped
* #958: Some SMTP attachment boundaries can include double quotes
* #965: Fix for importing ps1 files
* #974: Add Position=0 to most response write functions
### Documentation
* #978: Icon and Donation link updates
### Packaging
* #984: Bump Docker images to use PS7.2.4
Date: 2nd March 2022
### Bugs
* #948: Hotfix to resolve issue with importing ActiveDirectory module into runspaces
Date: 21st February 2022
### Bugs
* #915: Fix regex issue preventing Pode listening on IPv6 addresses
* #934: Fix relative path issue when using `-FilePath` on `Start-PodeServer`
### Performance
* #913: Add new `-DirectGroups`/`-ADModule` switch for WindowsAD authentication
### Documentation
* #940: Add a list of available options for server.psd1 files to configuration docs page
Date: 10th February 2022
### Features
* #893: Add async/sync Task support
* #894: Add helper support and middleware for security HTTP headers
### Enhancements
* #867: Add support for PKCE on OAuth2 authentication
* #868: Add support for building OAuth2 schemes from OpenID Connect Discovery URLs
* #869: Update support to also get the count of currently processing requests
* #891: Add `-ArgumentList` to `Invoke-PodeTimer` and `Invoke-PodeSchedule`
### Bugs
* #905: Fix for route creation and matching order
* #917: Fix for OpenAPI definition not being generated correctly
* #932: Dispose of completed Schedule runspaces/pipelines
### Performance
* #896: Open and close RunspacePools in parallel - speeds server start-up and close
* #910: Only create RunspacePools when they're needed
### Packaging
* #871: Compile the PodeListener into netstandard2.0, and now net6.0
Date: 4th January 2022
### Bugs
* #892: Fixes a bug with importing modules, where the wrong file was being used
Date: 21st December 2021
### Bugs
* #877: Fix for `ConvertFrom-PodeJwt` expecting string not byte[]
* #879: Fix for retrieving Client Certificates from IIS
* #883: Fix for view engine extensions not being ToLower'd
### Documentation
* #805: Add announcement bar to docs, referencing official docs on GitHub
### Packaging
* #873: Bump PowerShell to v7.2.1 in Docker images
* #881: Bump mkdocs to v1.2.3, and Material theme to v8.1.2
Date: 13th November 2021
### Enhancements
* #771: Adds more `Use-PodeXYZ` functions for auto-loading scripts
* #813: Adds new `Out-PodeVariable` to set variables on the Host when the server stops
* #817: Adds LastTriggerTime property for Schedules and Timers
* #825: Adds new Crash server event hook
* #826: Add support for HTTP and WebSocket endpoints to listen on the same Address/Port
* #827: Add `-Compress` switch to `Save-PodeState`
* #828: Add `-Merge` switch to `Restore-PodeState`, to stop overwriting of state on restore
* #830: Make `ConvertFrom-PodeJwt` public, and use `id_token` from the TokenUrl during OAuth2 for the user object
* #836: If `-Object` on `Lock-PodeObject` isn't supplied, use the global Lockable by default
* #837: Adds new Stop server event hook
* #851: Enable signals to be sent directly back to the sending client via WebSockets
* #852: Add new `$session:` and `$state:` variable scopes
* #862: Use `-Threads` on `Start-PodeServer` for WebSockets as well, if endpoint supplied
* #864: Add `-Force` to `Get-PodeSessionId` to allow the retrieval of unauthorised SessionIds
* #865: Add support for hosting Pode servers as IIS website applications
* #869: Add new metric functions for retrieving count of current active Requests/Signals
### Bugs
* #808: Fix syntax errors in generated OpenAPI definitions
* #829: Fix issue with Range header returning 200 instead of 404 for invalid URI
* #845: Fix for single item arrays being converted to JSON
* #860: Fix duplicate limits being added during IP/Route/Endpoint middleware checks
### Performance
* #856: Replace occurrences of piping to `Out-Null` with `$null =` instead (thanks @RobinBeismann!)
### Documentation
* #842: Adds additional documentation around IIS and Kerberos (thanks @ittchmh!)
### Packaging
* #843: Split up the Core.ps1 file into separate files (thanks @mark05e!)
* #872: Bumps PowerShell to v7.1.5 in Docker images
Date: 13th September 2021
### Bugs
* #810: Fixes a Local/UTC datetime issue on Cookies, expiring sessions early
* #811: Fixes the HTTPS parameter set on `Start-PodeStaticServer`
* #814: Fixes a route ordering issue on Swagger pages
### Documentation
* #816: Fixes a typo on LoginPage (thanks @phatmandrake!)
### Packaging
* #818: Bumps PowerShell to v7.1.4 in Docker images
Date: 9th August 2021
### Enhancements
* #801: Add new `-SearchBase` parameter to `Add-PodeAuthWindowsAD` for OpenLDAP
* #802: Add PEM certificate/key pair support for HTTPS endpoints
### Bugs
* #796: Fix text wrapping issue when using ldapsearch (thanks @phatmandrake!)
* #797: When on MacOS, the default SSL protocol should only be TLS1.2
### Documentation
* #798: Update IIS hosting page to reference the minimum features required
* #800: Add examples to Route creation for Functions/Modules (thanks @phatmandrake!)
* #801: Update Windows AD authentication page to better reference Domain and OpenLDAP
Date: 21st July 2021
### Features
* #766: Add support for server Event Hooks, to run scripts on events like terminating the server
* #769: Add support for custom Lockable objects
### Enhancements
* #763: Add support for SMTP attachments
* #765: Use a random secure GUID for Session `-Secret` if not supplied
* #767: Add new `Restart-PodeServer` to manually restart the server internally
* #779: Replace uses of `Join-Path` with `[System.IO.Path]::Combine`
* #786: Add new `Get-PodeStateNames` to get array of current Names with shared state
### Bugs
* #768: Fix for a rare multithreading bug when serialising session data
* #770: `-SuccessUseOrigin` should only work for GET requests
* #776: Fix for the PodeResponse class and the handling of AggregateExceptions
### Documentation
* #757: Add information about using `netsh interface portproxy` for external access as non-admin
* #762: Update `Add-PodeMiddleware` function summary to reference returning a boolean value
Date: 1st June 2021
### Features
* #723: Add support for logging to Windows Event Viewer
* #749: Add support for API key authentication
### Enhancements
* #731: New `Use-PodeRoutes` to auto-load routes from a `/routes` directory
* #741: Add support for IIS to more gracefully close the site on recycle
* #743: Add `-AsCredential` switch for Basic/Form authentication
* #752: Add `-AsJWT` switch for Bearer/API key authentication
### Bugs
* #738: Fix a bug where the body wasn't reset on new requests
### Documentation
* #739: Flesh out the documentation on creating sites in IIS
* #741: Add documentation on IIS application pool recycling
* #751: Minor update to Bearer documentation to make header more visible
Date: 10th April 2021
### Bugs
* #736: Fix issue with v2.2.2 PowerShell Gallery packaging
Date: 9th April 2021
### Enhancements
* #727: Allow referencing an OpenAPI component schema from another component schema (thanks @glatzert!)
* #732: Allow changing of Bearer and Digest Authorization header tags
### Packaging
* #726: Bump docker images to v7.1.3, and also add a new Alpine image
Date: 27th March 2021
### Bugs
* #716: Fix bug with `$TimerEvent` object within Timers
* #717: Fix bug with looping services exiting immediately
* #720: Fix bug with enabling termination in PS ISE
Date: 21st March 2021
### Features
* #682: Add support for the HTTP Range request header
### Enhancements
* #684: Add support for login pages to redirect to the originating page
* #696: Fast processing of form data in requests
* #696: Add support for Request Timeout and Request Body Size
* #711: Add support for custom Signal Routes for WebSockets
### Bugs
* #690: Fix bug with high CPU/Memory on IIS authentication with sessions, from WinIdentity
* #702: Fix bug with loading manifest modules - such as the ActiveDirectory module
* #709: Fix bug with `multipart/form-data` requests in Azure Functions
### Documentation
* #704: Fix LoginPage docs so it matches the repository example (thanks @mark05e!)
Date: 19th February 2021
### Enhancements
* #693: Add OperationId OpenAPI support on routes (thanks @glatzert)
* #698: Add support for Certificate Store Name and Location on `Add-PodeEndpoint`
### Bugs
* #686: Add EndpointName support on `Set-PodeResponseAttachment`
* #689: Fix bug with rate limiting preventing requests when no endpoint names
### Documentation
* #661: Multiple additions to docs - error logging, cookies, headers, etc
* #683: Bump version of mkdocs-material theme
Date: 3rd February 2021
### Enhancements
* #655: Update the Socket Listener to handle larger request payloads, and fix receiving SSL requests
* #657: Adds `-ScriptBlock` parameters to inbuilt authentication methods
* #667: Set the WinIdentity from IIS auth, and add documentation for Kerberos Constrained Delegation (thanks @RobinBeismann!)
### Bugs
* #648: Fixes for using global authentication in OpenAPI and Swagger
* #650: Fix for redirecting HTTP to HTTPS on default 80/443 ports
* #652: Fix for sessions not extending from AJAX requests, or when session data wasn't updated
* #654: Fix for `-Title` and `-Version` in `Get-PodeOpenApiDefinition` being mandatory
* #660: Fix for removing cookies in AJAX responses
* #663: Fix for when an endpoint's `-Hostname` is localhost, and bound to a route
* #669: Further fixes and improvements for more `-EndpointName` validation use-cases on routes
* #670: Remove extra NewLine from form files (thanks @ili101!)
* #673: Fix to make headers in request/response case-insensitive
### Documentation
* #651: Update Azure AD authentication documentation to reference using Basic authentication as well (thanks @RobinBeismann)
### Packaging
* #629: Update dockerfile to use Ubuntu 18.04
* #630: Update dockerfiles to use PowerShell 7.1.1
Date: 21st December 2020
### Bugs
* #641: Fix an issue with Invalid Request Lines being received when running via SSL and using a Proxy
* #642: Fix certificate X509FindType enum
### Documentation
* #639: Fix the docker example ports to match documentation (thanks @ArieHein!)
Date: 5th December 2020
### Bugs
* #636: Fixes bug with OAuth2 RedirectUrl when behind IIS
Date: 29th November 2020
### Bugs
* #631: Parse username during Windows AD authentication
* #632: Fixes null reference exception during server restart
Date: 14th September 2020
### Features
* #472: Adds support for client certificate authentication
* #524: Adds support for rate limiting endpoints and routes
* #551: Adds support for OAuth2 and Azure AD authentication
* #585: Enables support for client-to-server web sockets
* #612: Adds support for Kestrel as a listener - via a new Pode.Kestrel module
* #625: Adds support for local Windows user authentication
### Enhancements
* #572: Removes `-Endpoint` and `-Protocol` parameters in favur of `-EndpointName`
* #575: Changes and improvements to Authentication on Routes and Middleware
* #577: Massive improvements to alleviate of scoping with Modules, Snapins, Functions, and Variables
* #590: Enable support for Chrome in `Show-PodeGui`
* #618: The `$WebEvent` object is no longer passed to Routes, Middleware, etc., and should be accessed directly
* #619: Improved support for hostnames on endpoints
* #622: Allows support for a server to run endpoints of differing protocols
### Bugs
* #600: Fixes public functions that weren't prefixed with "Pode"
### Internal Code
* #573: Drop support for HttpListener, and rewrite Pode listener using .NET Core
* #584: Alter SMTP server to use the new Pode listener
### Documentation
* #592: Updates IIS example to allow PUT/DELETE in web.config
Date: 16th October 2020
### Bugs
* #615: Fixes a bug with Azure Functions V3, where the sys property has now been removed
Date: 20th September 2020
### Enhancements
* #602: Adds a new `Remove-PodeOAResponse` function to allow removing of default responses
* #603: Adds a new `-Enum` parameter onto the OpenAPI property functions
Date: 31st July 2020
### Bugs
* #594: Add `Import-PodeSnapIn` to FunctionsToExport list
Date: 26th June 2020
### Bugs
* #578: Fixes OpenAPI functions with rogue "=" on returning a value
* #581: Fixes large messages being sent via web sockets
Date: 24th May 2020
### Enhancements
* #533: Support on states for inclusion/exlcusions when saving, and scopes on states
* #538: Support to batch log items together before sending them off to be recorded
* #540: Adds a Ctrl+B shortcut to open the server in the default browser
* #542: Add new switch to help toggling of Status Page exception message
* #548: Adds new `Get-PodeSchedule` and `Get-PodeTimer` functions
* #549: Support for calculating a schedule's next trigger datetime
### Bugs
* #532: Fixes a bug in `Get-PodeRoute` when a route is bound to multiple endpoints
* #547: Fixes a bug where not all data was being read on SMTP messages
* #558: Paths with URL encoded characters fail when trying to load static content
### Documentation
* #381: Documentation on using Pode in Heroku (plus auto-detection support)
### Packaging
* #546: Adds automated integration tests
* #562: Remove AppVeyor and TravisCI in favour of GitHub Actions
* #567: Bump Powershell version in Docker to 7.0.1
* #569: Bump version of MkDocs and Material Theme
Date: 10th May 2020
### Bugs
* #554: Fixes an issue where HTML static files would be treated as dynamic files
Date: 27th April 2020
### Bugs
* #543: Fixes an internal issue that was causing errors in the SMTP server
Date: 17th April 2020
### Bugs
* #534: Fixes an issue with IIS Windows Authentication when using foreign trusted domains (thanks @RobinBeismann!)
Date: 10th April 2020
### Features
* #504: Support for GZip and Deflate compression on Requests
* #507: Support for GZip and Deflate compression on Responses
* #510: New inbuilt authenticator to allow authenticating users from a file
### Enhancements
* #511: Adds middleware support to `Add-PodeStaticRoute`
* #518: New `Get-PodeEndpoint` function to retrieve and filter endpoints
* #525: Support for Azure Web Apps, fixes DisableTermination, and adds Quiet switch
### Bugs
* #509: Fixes a freezing bug caused by sessions - and improves performance of sessions
### Documentation
* #517: Adds missing `-Sessionless` parameter in IIS docs (thanks @RobinBeismann!)
### Packaging
* #503: Bump the Docker images to PowerShell v7.0
Date: 7th March 2020
### Bugs
* 495: Fix issue with parsing query strings when using the Pode server type
### Documentation
* #496: When using IIS, install Pode using AllUsers scope
* #497: Comments about using PowerShell classes in Pode, under Known Issues
Date: 3rd March 2020
### Features
* #464: Request metrics for routes for the number of requests
* #473: Digest Authentication support (with added support for PostValidator scripts)
* #478: Bearer Authentication support (with support for scope validation)
### Enhancements
* #425: Adds functions to get routes: `Get-PodeRoute` and `Get-PodeStaticRoute`
* #474: The inbuilt Windows AD authentication now works cross-platform!
* #475: Adds support for hosting a Pode server via IIS
### Bugs
* #477: Fix QueryString parsing on Pode server type
### Documentation
* #484: Information about Web Events and their structure
Date: 2nd February 2020
### Features
* #218: Adds OpenAPI with Swagger and ReDoc support
### Enhancements
* #458: Adds a Timestamp to the event object passed to Routes/Middleware
* #459: Ability to get the Uptime and Restart Count of the server
### Bugs
* #461: Fix the parsing of payloads in Azure Functions and AWS Lambdas
* #465: Format fix in the OpenAPI examples (thanks @haidouks!)
### Packaging
* #470: Bumps the version of the MkDocs Material theme to 4.6.0
Date: 10th January 2020
### Enhancements
* #447: Sessions can now be used via Headers for better CLI support
* #448: `-EndpointName` on routes can now take an array of endpoint names
* #454: New wrapper function, `Start-PodeStaticServer`, for simple static websites
### Bugs
* #446: Fixes functions that were not in accordence with Coding Guidelines (thanks @jhainau!)
### Documentation
* #445: Improved documentation on using CSRF middleware
Date: 27th December 2019
### Enhancements
* #421: Adds a new `-FilePath` parameter to the `Add-PodeTimer` and `Add-PodeSchedule` functions
* #422: Adds a new `-FilePath` parameter to the `Start-PodeServer` function
* #423: New `Edit-PodeSchedule` and `Edit-PodeSchedule` functions
* #431: Support for the `WWW-Authenticate` header on failed Authentication (401) responses
* #433: Support in custom Authentication types to allow returning extra Headers on the response
* #435: New `Set-PodeScheduleConcurrency` function to set the max number of concurrent schedules
* #440: Adds support in the `package.json` for custom PowerShell Repositories
### Bugs
* #429: Running `pode start` failed to invoke server script on some platforms
* #441: Fixes an issue where local modules failed to resolve correct path
Date: 2nd December 2019
### Enhancements
* #415: New functions for invoking Timer and Schedules adhoc
### Bugs
* #416: Fix for using `*/INT` in cron-expressions
### Documentation
* #418: Docs and examples typo fixes
Date: 13th November 2019
### Features
* #395: Built-in support for using Server-to-Client websockets
* #389: Support for defining custom body/payload parsers for specific ContentTypes
### Enhancements
* #401: Support for running a Schedule/Timer's logic when the server starts/restarts
* #400: Helper wrapper method `Out-PodeHost` to output data to the main host terminal
* #390: Support for setting a Status Code on all "Write-Pode[Type]Response" functions
* #386: Support to set a fixed ContentType on `Set-PodeResponseAttachment` (thanks @Windos!)
* #383: If a called route exists but for a different HTTP method, then return a 405 not a 404
* #382: Support on Unix environments to terminate/restart a server using Shift+C/R
### Documentation
* #405: How to create a server that has endpoints accessible externally
* #399: Reference to the literal parameter names on Schedules
* #396: How to return a custom Status Code and/or message from an Authenticator
Date: 28th September 2019
### Features
* #376: *Experimental* support for cross-platform HTTPS!
### Bugs
* #372: Fixed an issue when getting the length of strings in `Get-PodeCount` (thanks @Fraham!)
* #384: Fixed `Set-PodeResponseAttachment` not setting the ContentLength (plus support of literal paths)
### Packaging
* #375: Update the Dockerfiles to PowerShell 6.2.3
* #253: Publish the Docker images on the GitHub Package Registry
Date: 4th September 2019
### Bugs
* #367: If a "server.psd1" file is not present, Logging will not work
* #368: Logging will attempt to mask everything if no mask patterns are supplied
Date: 2nd September 2019
### Features
* #228: Support for rendering Markdown as HTML (Fully supported in PowerShell 7+)
* #334: New "ConvertTo-PodeRoute" function to automatically make Routes from Functions/Modules
* #344: New "Add-PodePage" function to more easily make GET Routes for simple pages
### Enhancements
* #328: New "Get-PodeAuthADUser" parameter -NoGroups, to skip retrieving groups from AD
* #330: Allow for -ArgumentList on Routes, Handlers, Timers, Schedules, etc - now they can be more dynamic
* #341: Allow Show-PodeGui to work under PowerShell 7 on Windows
* #343: Ability to mask data in logs using Regex
* #352: On "Add-PodeEndpoint", split the -Address parameter into -Address/-Port parameters
* #354: Two new functions for Sessions to Save and Remove them
* #355: Support on "Add-PodeEndpoint" for a -RedirectTo parameter, to automatically build a redirect Route
### Bugs
* #312: On Static Routes, don't create a PSDrive when the Source is a File Share
* #318: For Cron Expressions, split the DayOfWeek and DayOfMonth
* #324: Setting Authentication middleware globally didn't save the Session object
* #347: Route parameters fail if the value contains a dot, or other special characters
* #351: Stop the "Done" message appearing when the server errors
### Packaging
* #338: Update the version of MkDocs Material Theme to v4.4.0
* #349: Update the Dockerfiles to PowerShell 6.2.2
### Internal Code
* #279, #279, #287, #289, #290, #291, #292, #294, #295, #296, #297, #305, #306, #314, #315
- Convert all functions to PowerShell Syntax
* #303: Change from using "pode.<env>.json" files to "server.<env>.psd1" files
### Documentation
* #299: Rebuild Documentation's Functions section using PlatyPS
* #316: Write a migration guide for going from v0.X to v1.0
* #321: Go through all documentation, ensuring it's up-to-date with new Syntax
Date: 28th June 2019
### Enhancements
* #270: Support on `gui` to specify the width and height of the window
* #280: Support when file monitoring to output the files that caused the server to restart
* #282: New actions on `state` to save and restore to to/from a file
### Bugs
* #271: Fix in `Convert-PodePathPatternsToRegex` when converting file names - thanks @Fraham!
### Documentation
* #284: Notes in documentation about referencing JSON payload data in PowerShell 4/5
Date: 11th June 2019
### Features
* #264: Support for Azure Functions and AWS Lambda
* #264: New `header` function for adding/setting and getting header values from the Request/Response
### Enhancements
* #264: Cookies are now done via the "Set-Cookie" header, meaning `cookie` now appropriately sets multiple cookies
* #266: Have a `-Browse` flag on the `server` to auto-launch the website in a browser
### Bugs
* #264: The `text` function now sets the content-type to "text/plain" by default
Date: 26th May 2019
### Enhancements
* #245: Support for Windows AD group validation on the inbuilt 'windows-ad' authentication validator
* #250: Support for bulk importing/loading scripts and modules
* #251: Support on routes to supply a FilePath to a script that contains the route's scriptblock
* #252: Support on the server function to supply a custom RootPath
### Performance
* #258: Performance improvements to all aspects of a web request, reducing response times
### Packaging
* #261: Docker images updated to PowerShell Core v6.2.1
Date: 10th May 2019
### Enhancements
* #216: Multi-content-type support on Error Pages
* #232: Support for setting/forcing default content types on routes
* #243: Support on Static Routes to flag them as "Download Only"
* #248: Ability to alter the server's root path
### Packaging
* #227: Docker images updated to PowerShell Core v6.2.0
* #233: New ARM32 docker image, enabling support for Raspberry Pi
### Build
* #237, #238, #239: Updates to CI tools
Date: 16th April 2019
### Bugs
* #226: Adds the "gui" function to export list
Date: 13th April 2019
### Features
* #210: New "cookie" function added, to support setting/getting cookies - including signing them
* #211: Support for CSRF via the new "csrf" function, which generates valid middleware and random tokens
### Enhancements
* #204: Support on the "import" function to import PSSnapIns
* #223: Support for using a Thumbprint on the "listen" function instead of Certificate name
### Bugs
* #206: When disposing/restarting the SMTP server, send a "QUIT" message if still connected
### Clean-Up
* #209: Rename of internal function to avoid collisions, and change "Get-PodeConfiguration" to "config"
Date: 4th April 2019
### Bugs
* #217: Binding to hostname throws error
Date: 27th March 2019
### Bugs
* #212: Incorrect variable name used in html, csv, xml and json functions when referencing files
Date: 16th March 2019
### Bugs
* #199: Fix issues with relative paths when running server as a service
* #200: Fix issue with file monitor, where folder patterns fail to match on new files
Date: 14th March 2019
### Features
* #185: Support for Server Restarts either Periodically or at specific Times, with support for cron expressions
* #188: Support for Custom Error pages, with inbuilt Pode error pages
### Enhancements
* #189: SMTP server to parse data headers and have them set on the event object
### Performance
* #196: Massive improvements to performance when loading static content
### Bugs
* #181: Importing modules into the current scope should be done Globally, making them instantly accessible
* #183: TCP Reads and Writes should be Async so they can be terminated more easily
* #184: SMTP and TCP servers fail to Restart
* #196: Default paths on Static Content fail when using nested directories
### General
* #194: Update Dockerfile from using PSCore 6.1.0 to 6.1.3
Date: 17th February 2019
### Features
* #162: Basic support for local modules in "package.json" on "pode install"
* #175: Support for flash messages on sessions, and in authentication
### Bugs
* #72: RunspacePools aren't being recreated during a restart, and modules fail to import into other RunspacePools
Date: 5th February 2019
### Features
* #170: Support for Static Content Caching, with ability to include/exclude routes/extensions
### Enhancements
* #161: New method to return configuration from the pode.json file, plus improved docs and support for environment configs
* #165: Support on the inbuilt SMTP server for Subject and decoded Body
* #168: Ability to exclude/include paths/extensions when triggering an Internal Restart
### Documentation
* #45: Add "Known Issues" pages to documentation
### Clean-Up
* #160: Internally, rename occurrences of $PodeSession to $PodeContext
Date: 18th January 2019
### Features
* #125: Helper support function for uploading files from a web form
### Enhancements
* #149: Inbuilt support for Windows AD Authentication
### Bugs
* #152: Fix the Choco install script so it installs the module for PowerShell Core as well
* #155: After an Internal Restart, the View Engine is not set back to the default
* #158: If views/public directories don't exist, the creation of PSDrive fails
Date: 24th December 2018
### Features
* #77: Ability to run a web server, and view it through a Desktop Application (Windows only)
### Enhancements
* #137: Don't require admin privileges when listening on Localhost
* #140: Add a Custom switch to the Logger function - no need to use the "custom_<name>" format any more!
* #142: Ability to listen on multiple endpoints - especially useful for hostnames against a single IP address
* #143: Support on routes to allow them to be bound against specific hostnames/protocols
* #146: Listen function to have Name parameter - so we can select which one to bind a Route/Gui to better
Date: 7th December 2018
### Enhancements
* #123: Ability to remove a `route`
* #124: Views, Public and custom static routes now use `New-PSDrive` to prevent directory tranversing
* #128: Ability to `listen` using a host name
* #130: `auth` now allows re-using inbuilt/custom parsers. Rather than `name` the type, the name is now any custom name you want to use and yuo specify the `-type` (like basic, etc). If no `-type` supplied, `name` is used as the type instead
* #131: There's now a route parameter on `middleware`, so you can define global middleware that only run on requests for specific routes.
Date: 2nd November 2018
### Enhancements
* #110: Return a 401 for inaccessible files
* #116: Support on custom static content, for returning `index.html` or `default.html` (plus others), if a directory is requested
### Bugs
* #111: Separate out the `service` server type into own runspace
* #112: Server should return a 500 if middleware/route fails unexpectedly, rather than a 200
### Documentation
* #120: Added examples of running scripts as Windows or Linux services [here](
### Clean-Up
* #118: Rename `$WebSession` to `$WebEvent` - internal references only
Date: 20th October 2018
### Documentation
* Extended documentation for third-party template engines
* "Building your first app" documentation
### Features
* #103: Adds support for custom static routes
### Enhancements
* #101: Adds a `-Limit` parameter to schedules
* `import` function now supports installed modules
### Clean-Up
* #102: Logging converted to internal `endware` script
Date: 9th October 2018
### Documentation
* #91: This release contains far better documentation for Pode:
### Enhancements
* #93: Updates PowerShell Docker image to 6.1.0, so internal restarts now work
* #96: Chocolatey package now contains the module, rather than downloading from GitHub
* Adds more aliases for parameters on core functions
* Renames `script` function to `import` (the former is still supported)
* New CI builder: Travis CI, used to test Pode on *nix and PowerShell Core
* Minor miscellaneous stability fixes
Date: 14th September 2018
### Features
* #84: Session cookie support, with in-mem/custom data storage
* #86: Request authentication support. Currently implemented: Basic, Forms, Custom
### Enhancements
* #88: Enabling Ctrl+R to be pressed on the CLI to trigger a server restart - similar to using `-FileMonitor`.
Date: 25th August 2018
### Features
* #78: Middleware support for web servers, allowing custom logic and extension modules on web request/responses
### Enhancements
* #81: Added aliases onto some of the `Server` parameters
Date: 19th August 2018
### Features
* #43: Ability to generate self-signed certificates, and bind those certs - or pre-installed certs - when using HTTPS
* #71: New `scripts` call to specify external modules that should be imported into each runspace
### Bugs
* #71: Unable to access functions from external scripts
* #73: Calling `pode start` fails to import Pode module into runspaces
Date: 8th August 2018
### Features
* #66: Support for basic rate limiting of requests per x seconds from IPs
* #68: Support for scheduled tasks using cron expressions
### Enhancements
* #62: Helper function to ease URL redirection
* #64: Have a '*' HTTP method so a route can be used on every method
Date: 13th July 2018
### Features
* #31: Support for multithreaded responses on web, smtp and tcp servers using `-Threads` on your Server block
### Misc
* #59: Removal of obsolete functions, such as the older `Write-JsonResponse` which is now just `Json`
* #31: Addition of some minor performance tests using `k6`
* Addition of new icon and logo for Pode
Date: 6th July 2018
### Features
* #21: Ability for Pode to Internally Restart when a File Change is Detected
* #52: Support for Allowing/Denying IP and Subnet Addresses
### Enhancements
* #44: Setup Unit Tests with Pester and run on AppVeyor
### Bugs
* #51: Set Dockerfile to use a fixed version of the PowerShell container, rather than latest
* #55: Setup SMTP/TCP listeners to run in separate runspace like Web
Date: 23rd June 2018
### Features
* #40: Ability to add variables to a shared state, so you can re-use variables in timers, loggers, and routes
Date: 15th June 2018
### Features
* #33: Support for logging to the terminal, files, and custom loggers for LogStash/Fluentd/etc
* #35: New `Attach` function to help attach files from the public directory to the response for downloading
### Enhancements
* #32: Ability to listen on a specific IP address using `-IP` on a `Server`
* #36: Support for relative paths on views/public content, when running server script from non-root directory
Date: 10th June 2018
### Bugs and Enhancements
* #22: Proper fix for high CPU usage, by using `Task.Wait` with `CancellationTokens`; A Runspace is setup to monitor for key presses, and on `Ctrl+C` will `Cancel()` the token and terminate Pode
Date: 8th June 2018
### Bugs
* #22: Hot fix patch for reducing high CPU usage when idle
Date: 1st June 2018
### Bugs
* #16: Status and Include functions were missing from module export list
Date: 30th May 2018
### Features
* #5: Async timers to run tasks and processes in a separate thread (see timers sections in README)
### Enhancements
* #7: New `status` function to easily alter the StatusCode of a Response
* #8: New `json`, `xml`, `html`, `csv`, `view` and `tcp` functions to replace current "Write-<Type>Response" - now obsolete - functions (see ticket for explanation, and README for usage)
### Bugs
* #12: Fixed an issue that caused image files (and others) to not render appropriately