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GitHub Codespace and Pode

GitHub Codespaces provides a cloud-based development environment directly integrated with GitHub. This allows you to set up your development environment with pre-configured settings, tools, and extensions. In this guide, we will walk you through using GitHub Codespace to work with Pode, a web framework for building web applications and APIs in PowerShell.


  • A GitHub account
  • A repository set up for your Pode project, including the devcontainer.json configuration file.

Launching GitHub Codespace

  1. Open GitHub Codespace:

Go to your GitHub repository on the web. Click on the green Code button, and then select Open with Codespaces. If you don't have any Codespaces created, you can create a new one by clicking New codespace.

  1. Codespace Initialization:

Once the Codespace is created, it will use the existing devcontainer.json configuration to set up the environment. This includes installing the necessary VS Code extensions and PowerShell modules specified in the configuration.

  1. Verify the Setup:

  2. The terminal in the Codespace will default to PowerShell (pwsh).

  3. Check that the required PowerShell modules are installed by running:

    Get-Module -ListAvailable

    You should see InvokeBuild and Pester listed among the available modules.

Running a Pode Application

  1. Use an Example Pode Project:

Pode comes with several examples in the examples folder. You can run one of these examples to verify that your setup is working. For instance, let's use the HelloWorld example.

  1. Open HelloWorld

Navigate to the examples/HelloWorld directory and open the HelloWorld.ps1 file

  1. Run the sample

Run the Pode server by executing the HelloWorld.ps1 script in the PowerShell terminal:

or using the Run/Debug on the UI

  1. Access the Pode Application:

Once the Pode server is running, you can access your Pode application by navigating to the forwarded port provided by GitHub Codespaces. This is usually indicated by a URL in the terminal or in the Codespaces interface.

For more information on using Pode and its features, refer to the Pode documentation.