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Error Pages / Status Codes

During web requests, Pode has some default status codes that can be returned throughout a request's lifecycle:

  • 200 on success
  • 400 when the query string or payload are invalid
  • 403 when access to the server is unauthorised
  • 404 if the route can't be found
  • 429 if the rate limit is reached
  • 500 for a complete failure

Status codes that are 400+ will be rendered as an error page, unless the -NoErrorPage switch is passed to the Set-PodeResponseStatus function. Pode itself has inbuilt error pages (HTML, JSON, and XML), but you can override these pages using custom error pages (described below).

If the error page being generated is dynamic, then the following $data is supplied and can be used the same as in views:

  • The HTTP status code
  • A description for the status
  • The URL that threw the error
  • The content-type of the error page being generated

They're also supplied details of any exception passed to the Set-PodeResponseStatus function, which can be rendered if enabled via the server.psd1 configuration file.

Status Codes

The Set-PodeResponseStatus function allows you to set your own status code on the response, as well as a custom description. If the status code was triggered by an exception being thrown, then you can also supply this so it can be rendered on any error pages.

The following example will set the status code of the response to be 418:

Start-PodeServer {
    Add-PodeEndpoint -Address * -Port 8080 -Protocol Http

    Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/teapot' -ScriptBlock {
        Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 418

Where as this example will set the status code to 500 with a custom description, and the exception that caused the error:

Start-PodeServer {
    Add-PodeEndpoint -Address * -Port 8080 -Protocol Http

    Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/eek' -ScriptBlock {
        try {
            # logic
        catch {
            Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 500 -Description 'oh no! something went wrong!' -Exception $_

Error Pages

When a response is returned with a status code of 400+, then Pode will attempt to render these as styled error pages. By default, Pode has inbuilt error pages that will be used (these show the status code, description, the URL, and if enabled the exception message/stacktrace).

The inbuilt error pages are of types HTML, JSON, and XML. By default Pode will always attempt to use the HTML error pages however, if you set, say strict content typing, then Pode will also attempt to use the JSON/XML error pages if the request's content type header is set appropriately.


In Pode you can use custom error pages, so you can stylise your own rather than using the inbuilt ones that come with Pode.

To use your own custom error pages you have to place them within an /errors directory, at the root of your server (similar to /views and /public).

These pages should be called the name of a status code, the content type of the page, and an optional view engine extension:

<code>.<type>[.<engine>]    # ie: 400.html, or 404.json.pode

Or, you can use a default error page which will be used for any status codes that doesn't have a specific page define:

default.<type>[.<engine>]   # ie: default.html, or default.json.pode

An example file structure for /errors is as follows:


By default Pode will always generate error pages as HTML, unless you enable strict content typing or routes patterns (detailed later).


To use error pages with a view engine (such as .pode), you need to use the Set-PodeViewEngine function in your server.

Dynamic Data

If you're using a dynamic view engine to render the error pages, then like views, there will be a $data variable that you can use within the error page file. The $data variable will have the following structure:

    Url = [string]
    Status = @{
        Code = [int]
        Description = [string]
    Exception = @{
        Message = [string]
        StackTrace = [string]
        Line = [string]
        Category = [string]
    ContentType = [string]


If you've disabled the showing of exceptions, then the Exception property will be $null.


Above you'll see that the exception supplied to status will also be supplied to any dynamic error pages. By default this is disabled, but you can enable the viewing of exceptions on the error page by using the server.psd1 configuration file:

    Web = @{
        ErrorPages = @{
            ShowExceptions = $true

Once set to true, any available exception details for status codes will be available to error pages - a useful setting to have in a file.


This setting is not recommended for production environments due to the security risk associated with exposing internal exception details.

Content Types

Using the server.psd1 configuration file, you can define which file content types to attempt when generating error pages for routes. You can either:

  • Define a default content type that will apply to every route, or
  • Enable strict content typing to use a route/request's content type, or
  • Define patterns to match multiple route paths to set content types on mass


To define a default content type for everything, you can use the following configuration. With this, any error thrown in any route will attempt to render an HTML error page:

    Web = @{
        ErrorPages = @{
            Default = "text/html"

Route Patterns

You can define patterns to match multiple route paths, and any route that matches, when an error page is being generated, will attempt to generate an error page for the content type set.

For example, the following configuration in your server.psd1 file would bind all /api routes to application/json error pages, and then all /status routes to text/xml error pages:

    Web = @{
        ErrorPages = @{
            Routes = @{
                "/api/*" = "application/json"
                "/status/*" = "text/xml"

Strict Typing

You can enable strict content typing in the server.psd1 file. When enabled, Pode will attempt to generate an error page that matches the route/request's content type.

For example: if the request's Content-Type header is set to application/json (or you're using route content types), and you have strict content typing enabled, then Pode will attempt to use a JSON error page.

To enable strict content typing, you can use the following:

    Web = @{
        ErrorPages = @{
            StrictContentTyping = $true

Type Precedence

The content type that will used, when attempting to generate an error page, will be determined by the following order:

  1. A content type is supplied directly to the status function (via -ContentType).
  2. An error page content type is supplied directly to the route function (via -ErrorType).
  3. The route matches a pattern defined in the configuration file.
  4. Strict content typing is enabled in the configuration file.
  5. A default error page content type is defined in the configuration file.
  6. use the default of HTML.

File Precedence

The error page file that will used will be determined by the following order. This order will be done for each step that matches in the above type precedence:

  1. <code>.<type> - ie: 404.json
  2. <code>.<type>.<engine> - ie: 404.json.pode
  3. <code>.<engine> - ie: 404.pode
  4. default.<type> - ie: default.json
  5. default.<type>.<engine> - ie: default.json.pode
  6. default.<engine> - ie: default.pode
  7. Inbuilt pages

Example Page

The following is a simple default.html.pode dynamic error page example, which will render the status code and description - and if available, the exception message and stacktrace:

        <title>$($data.status.code) Error</title>
        <h1>$($data.status.code) Error</h1>
        <p>Description: $($data.status.description)</p>

        $(if ($data.exception) {