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Multiple definitions

It's possible to create multiple OpenAPI definitions inside the same Server instance. This feature could be useful in situations such as:

  • Multiple versions of the OpenAPI specification for different use cases
  • The same OpenAPI definition, but one using OpenAPI v3.0.3 and another using v3.1.0
  • Different APIs based on the IP or URL

How to use it

Any Pode function that interacts with OpenAPI has a -DefinitionTag [string[]] parameter available. This allows you to specify within which OpenAPI definition(s) the API's definition should be available.


These functions accept a simple string, and not an array

  • Get-PodeOADefinition
  • Enable-PodeOpenApi
  • Enable-PodeOAViewer
  • Add-PodeOAInfo
  • Test-PodeOAJsonSchemaCompliance

A new OpenAPI definition has to be created using the Enable-PodeOpenApi function

Enable-PodeOpenApi -Path '/docs/openapi/v3.0' -OpenApiVersion '3.0.3'  -DefinitionTag 'v3'
Enable-PodeOpenApi -Path '/docs/openapi/v3.1' -OpenApiVersion '3.1.0' -DefinitionTag 'v3.1'
Enable-PodeOpenApi -Path '/docs/openapi/admin' -OpenApiVersion '3.1.0' -DefinitionTag 'admin'

There is also Select-PodeOADefinition, which simplifies the selection of which OpenAPI definition to use as a wrapper around multiple OpenAPI functions, or Route functions. Meaning you don't have to specify -DefinitionTag on embedded OpenAPI/Route calls:

Select-PodeOADefinition -Tag 'v3', 'v3.1' -Scriptblock {
    Add-PodeRouteGroup -Path '/api/v5' -Routes {
        Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/petbyRef/:petId' -ScriptBlock {
            Write-PodeJsonResponse -Value 'done' -StatusCode 2005

Select-PodeOADefinition -Tag 'admin' -ScriptBlock {
    # your admin definition

The default Definition Tag is named "default". This can be changed using the Server.psd1 file and the Web.OpenApi.DefaultDefinitionTag property

            DefaultDefinitionTag= 'NewDefault'

Renaming a Definition Tag

A Definition Tag can be renamed at any time using the Rename-PodeOADefinitionTagName function. This allows you to update the tag name for an existing OpenAPI definition, ensuring your tags remain organized and meaningful.

Rename-PodeOADefinitionTagName -Tag 'v.3' -NewTag 'v.3.0.3'

In this example, the tag 'v.3' is renamed to 'v.3.0.3'.

Renaming the Default Definition Tag

You can also rename the default Definition Tag without specifying the Tag parameter. This updates the default tag to the new name provided.

Rename-PodeOADefinitionTagName -NewTag 'NewDefault'

In this example, the default definition tag is renamed to 'NewDefault'.


The Rename-PodeOADefinitionTagName function cannot be used inside a Select-PodeOADefinition [Scriptblock]. Attempting to do so will result in an error.

OpenAPI example

A simple OpenAPI definition

Add-PodeOAInfo -Title 'Swagger Petstore - OpenAPI 3.0' -Version 1.0.17 -Description $InfoDescription  -TermsOfService '' -LicenseName 'Apache 2.0' `
    -LicenseUrl '' -ContactName 'API Support' -ContactEmail '' -DefinitionTag 'v3'

Add-PodeOAInfo -Title 'Swagger Petstore - OpenAPI 3.1' -Version 1.0.17 -Description $InfoDescription  -TermsOfService '' -LicenseName 'Apache 2.0' `
    -LicenseUrl '' -ContactName 'API Support' -ContactEmail '' -DefinitionTag 'v3.1'

Add-PodeOAServerEndpoint -url '/api/v3' -Description 'default endpoint' -DefinitionTag 'v3', 'v3.1'

#OpenAPI 3.0
Enable-PodeOAViewer -Type Swagger -Path '/docs/swagger' -DefinitionTag 'v3'
Enable-PodeOAViewer -Type Bookmarks -Path '/docs' -DefinitionTag 'v3'

#OpenAPI 3.1
Enable-PodeOAViewer -Type Swagger -Path '/docs/v3.1/swagger' -DefinitionTag 'v3.1'
Enable-PodeOAViewer -Type ReDoc -Path '/docs/v3.1/redoc' -DarkMode -DefinitionTag 'v3.1'
Enable-PodeOAViewer -Type Bookmarks -Path '/docs/v3.1' -DefinitionTag 'v3.1'

Select-PodeOADefinition -Tag 'v3', 'v3.1'  -ScriptBlock {
    New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'id'-Format Int64 -Example  10 -Required |
        New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name 'name' -Example 'doggie' -Required |
        New-PodeOASchemaProperty -Name 'category' -Reference 'Category' |
        New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name 'photoUrls' -Array  -XmlWrapped -XmlItemName 'photoUrl' -Required |
        New-PodeOASchemaProperty -Name 'tags' -Reference 'Tag' -Array -XmlWrapped |
        New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name 'status' -Description 'pet status in the store' -Enum @('available', 'pending', 'sold') |
        New-PodeOAObjectProperty -XmlName 'pet' |
        Add-PodeOAComponentSchema -Name 'Pet'

     Add-PodeRouteGroup -Path '/api/v3'   -Routes {
            Add-PodeRoute -PassThru -Method Put -Path '/pet' -Authentication 'merged_auth_nokey' -Scope 'write:pets', 'read:pets' -ScriptBlock {
            } | Set-PodeOARouteInfo -Summary 'Update an existing pet' -Description 'Update an existing pet by Id' -Tags 'pet' -OperationId 'updatePet' -PassThru |
                Set-PodeOARequest -RequestBody (
                    New-PodeOARequestBody -Description  'Update an existent pet in the store' -Required -Content (
                        New-PodeOAContentMediaType -ContentType 'application/json', 'application/xml' -Content 'Pet'  )
                ) -PassThru |
                Add-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 200 -Description 'Successful operation' -Content (New-PodeOAContentMediaType -ContentType 'application/json', 'application/xml' -Content 'Pet' ) -PassThru |
                Add-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 400 -Description 'Invalid ID supplied' -PassThru |
                Add-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 404 -Description 'Pet not found' -PassThru |
                Add-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 405 -Description 'Validation exception'