Documentation Tools
If you're not using a custom OpenAPI viewer, then you can use one or more of the inbuilt which Pode supports: ones with Pode:
- Swagger
- ReDoc
- RapiDoc
- StopLight
- Explorer
- RapiPdf
For each you can customise the Route path to access the page on, but by default Swagger is at /swagger
, ReDoc is at /redoc
, etc. If you've written your own custom OpenAPI definition then you can also set a custom Route path to fetch the definition on.
To enable a viewer you can use the Enable-PodeOAViewer
# for swagger at "/docs/swagger"
Enable-PodeOAViewer -Type Swagger -Path '/docs/swagger' -DarkMode
# and ReDoc at the default "/redoc"
Enable-PodeOAViewer -Type ReDoc -Path '/docs/redoc'
# and RapiDoc at "/docs/rapidoc"
Enable-PodeOAViewer -Type RapiDoc -Path '/docs/rapidoc'
# and StopLight at "/docs/stoplight"
Enable-PodeOAViewer -Type StopLight -Path '/docs/stoplight'
# and Explorer at "/docs/explorer"
Enable-PodeOAViewer -Type Explorer -Path '/docs/explorer'
# and RapiPdf at "/docs/rapipdf"
Enable-PodeOAViewer -Type RapiPdf -Path '/docs/rapipdf'
# plus a bookmark page with the link to all documentation
Enable-PodeOAViewer -Bookmarks -Path '/docs'
# there is also an OpenAPI editor (only for v3.0.x)
Enable-PodeOAViewer -Editor -Path '/docs/swagger-editor'