Pode has inbuilt support for CSRF validation using tokens on web requests. The secret used to generate/validate the tokens can be stored in either sessions or signed cookies. When configured, the middleware will check for, and validate, a CSRF token the on a web request for valid routes - with support to ignore specific HTTP methods. If a route fails CSRF validation, then Pode will return a 403 status code.
In Pode you can either validate CSRF using global middleware, or you can assign local Route middleware for specific routes instead. The tokens needed for validation can be generated in a route and returned in the response as a hidden input element, or other payload options.
By default Pode's CSRF middleware will validate on every route, except for GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, and TRACE routes. The random secret used to generate tokens can be stored using either sessions or cookies.
During the verification process, the middleware will attempt to extract the CSRF token from either of the query string, payload or header. In all scenarios the name of the of the token should always be pode.csrf
To setup global CSRF middleware in Pode you can use the Enable-PodeCsrfMiddleware
function. This will let you configure how CSRF works, as well as add the middleware to Pode for you.
You can use the -IgnoreMethods
parameter to supply a custom array of HTTP methods that validation should skip. If you supply this an empty array (-IgnoreMethods @()
) then CSRF will run on all routes - even GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, and TRACE.
The secret used to generate a token is, by default, stored using sessions (so you'll need session middleware enabled). You can use cookies by supplying the -Cookie
switch and the -Secret
parameter to sign the cookies (this secret is different to the internal random secret CSRF uses to make tokens).
The below code will setup default CSRF middleware, which will store the random secret using sessions (so session middleware is required), and will ignore the default HTTP methods of GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, TRACE:
Enable-PodeSessionMiddleware -Duration 120
Once enabled, you can then use the New-PodeCsrfToken
function to generate CSRF tokens (see below).
If you only wish to have CSRF checks on specific routes, then you can use the Get-PodeCsrfMiddleware
function. The function will return CSRF middleware that you can assign to the -Middleware
on routes.
However, if you use this approach you will first need to initialise CSRF - so you can generate tokens, and specify where the random secrets are stored. To do this, you can use the Initialize-PodeCsrf
The below code will intialise CSRF to work using cookies. it will then create a route and pass the CSRF middleware to it explicitly:
Start-PodeServer {
Initialize-PodeCsrf -Secret 'to-your-witcher' -UseCookies
Add-PodeRoute -Method Post -Path '/users' -Middleware (Get-PodeCsrfMiddleware) -ScriptBlock {
Write-PodeJsonResponse -Value @{ Users = @() }
Once initialised, you can then use the New-PodeCsrfToken
function to generate CSRF tokens (see below).
The New-PodeCsrfToken
function allows you to generate tokens. It will randomly generate a token that you can use in your web-pages, such as in hidden form inputs or meta elements for AJAX requests. The token itself is formed using a secure random secret key, and a random salt.
To generate the token, you could use the following example:
Start-PodeServer {
Enable-PodeSessionMiddleware -Duration 120
Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/' -ScriptBlock {
Write-PodeViewResponse -Path 'login' -Data @{ 'token' = (New-PodeCsrfToken) }
This will return a token as a string
value. When you set this token in a hidden form input, the name of the input must be pode.csrf
. The same applies to when sending the token via AJAX requests - in the query string, payload or header, the token should be named as pode.csrf
The following example will configure CSRF as global middleware, and supply a token for the <form>
in the index page. The POST route will require the token to be supplied, otherwise a 403 status code will be returned.
Start-PodeServer {
Add-PodeEndpoint -Address localhost -Port 8080 -Protocol Http
Set-PodeViewEngine -Type Pode
# setup session and csrf middleware
Enable-PodeSessionMiddleware -Duration 120
# this route will work, as GET methods are ignored by CSRF by default
Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/' -ScriptBlock {
$token = (New-PodeCsrfToken)
Write-PodeViewResponse -Path 'index' -Data @{ 'csrfToken' = $token } -FlashMessages
# POST route for form which will require the csrf token from above
Add-PodeRoute -Method Post -Path '/token' -ScriptBlock {
Add-PodeFlashMessage -Name 'message' -Message $WebEvent.Data['message']
Move-PodeResponseUrl -Url '/'
<title>CSRF Example Page</title>
<h1>Example form using a CSRF token</h1>
<p>Clicking submit will just reload the page with your message</p>
<form action='/token' method='POST'>
<!-- the hidden input for the CSRF token needs to have the name 'pode.csrf' -->
<input type='hidden' name='pode.csrf' value='$($data.csrfToken)' />
<input type='text' name='message' placeholder='Enter any random text' />
<input type='submit' value='Submit' />
<!-- on the page reload, display your message -->
$(if ($data.flash['message']) {