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Middleware in Pode allows you to observe and edit the request/response objects for a current web event - you can alter the response, add custom objects to the web event for later use, or terminate the response without processing the main Route logic.

Middleware is supported in both a global scope, using Add-PodeMiddleware, as well as at the Route level using the -Middleware parameter on Add-PodeRoute.

Pode itself has some inbuilt Middleware, which is overridable, so you can use your own custom middleware. For example, Pode has inbuilt Middleware for rate limiting, but you can override this with Add-PodeMiddleware and the Name __pode_mw_rate_limit__ (more on the Access Rules and Rate Rules page).

Global Middleware

To set up and use middleware in Pode you use the Middleware function: Add-PodeMiddleware. This will set up global middleware that will run, in the order created, on every request before any Route logic is invoked.

The function takes a ScriptBlock, which has access to the current web event variable: $WebEvent. The event object contains the current Request and Response objects - you can also add more custom objects to it, as the event is just a hashtable.

If you want to keep processing and proceed to the next Middleware/Route then return $true from the ScriptBlock, otherwise return $false and the response will be closed immediately.

The following example is middleware that observes the user agent of the request. If the request comes from a PowerShell session then stop processing and return forbidden, otherwise create a new Agent key on the session for later Middleware/Route logic:

Start-PodeServer {
    Add-PodeMiddleware -Name 'BlockPowershell' -ScriptBlock {
        # if the user agent is powershell, deny access
        if ($WebEvent.Request.UserAgent -ilike '*powershell*') {
            # forbidden
            Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 403

            # stop processing
            return $false

        # create a new key on the event for the next middleware/route
        $WebEvent.Agent = $WebEvent.Request.UserAgent

        # continue processing other middleware
        return $true

However, the following example is Middleware that will only be run on requests against the /api route. Here, we're just going to do something simple, which is to write a message to the console for all /api requests:

Start-PodeServer {
    Add-PodeMiddleware -Name 'GlobalApiAuthCheck' -Route '/api' -ScriptBlock {
        'Hello!' | Out-PodeHost
        return $true

Route Middleware

Custom middleware on a Route is the same as above however, you don't use the main Middleware functions and instead insert it straight on the Route. To do this, you can use the -Middleware parameter on the Add-PodeRoute function.

The middleware on a route can either be a single scriptblock or an an array of scriptblocks. Middleware defined on routes will be run before the route itself, but after any global middleware that may have been configured.

The following example defines a scriptblock to reject calls that come from a specific IP address on a specific Route:

Start-PodeServer {
    # custom middleware to reject access to a specific IP address
    $reject_ip = {
        # forbid access to the stated IP address
        if ($WebEvent.Request.RemoteEndPoint.Address.IPAddressToString -ieq '') {
            Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 403
            return $false

        # allow the next custom middleware or the route itself to run
        return $true

    # the middleware above is linked to this route, and checked before running the route logic
    Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/users' -Middleware $reject_ip -ScriptBlock {
        # route logic

    # this route has no custom middleware, and just runs the route logic
    Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/alive' -ScriptBlock {
        # route logic

Order of Running

Although you can define your own custom middleware, Pode does have some inbuilt middleware with a predefined run order. This order of running is as follows:

Order Middleware Description
1 Security Headers Add any defined security headers onto the response
2 Access Rules Allowing/Denying IP addresses (if access rules have been defined)
3 Rate Limiting Limiting access to IP addresses (if rate limiting rules have been defined)
4 Static Content Static Content, such as images/css/js/html, in the /public directory
5 Body Parsing Parsing request payload as JSON, XML, or other types
6 Query String Getting any query string parameters currently on the request URL
7 Cookie Parsing Parse the cookies from the request's header (this only applies to serverless)
8 Custom Middleware Runs any defined user defined global Middleware in the order it was created
9 Route Middleware Runs any Route level Middleware for the current Route being processed
10 Route Then, the route itself is processed
11 Endware Finally, any Endware configured is run

Overriding Inbuilt

Pode has inbuilt Middleware as defined in the order of running above. Sometimes you probably don't want to use the inbuilt rate-limiting, and use a custom rate-limiting library that utilises REDIS instead. Each of the inbuilt Middleware has a defined name, that you can pass to the Add-PodeMiddleware function via the -Name parameter:

  • Access Control - __pode_mw_access__
  • Rate Limiting - __pode_mw_rate_limit__
  • Public Content - __pode_mw_static_content__
  • Body Parsing - __pode_mw_body_parsing__
  • Query String - __pode_mw_query_parsing__
  • Cookie Parsing - __pode_mw_cookie_parsing__
  • Security Headers - __pode_mw_security__

The following example uses rate limiting, and defines Middleware that will override the inbuilt rate-limiting logic:

Start-PodeServer {
    # attach to port 8080
    Add-PodeEndpoint -Address * -Port 8080 -Protocol Http

    # assign rate limiting to localhost, and allow 8 request per 5 seconds
    Add-PodeLimitRule -Type IP -Values @('', '[::1]') -Limit 8 -Seconds 5

    # create middleware to override the inbuilt rate limiting (to stop the limiting)
    Add-PodeMiddleware -Name '__pode_mw_rate_limit__' -ScriptBlock {
        return $true

    # basic route
    Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/' -ScriptBlock {
        # logic