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Pode keeps a count of the total number of Requests processed by the server. This count is kept both server-wide, and against each individual Route; the counts are also split into two: one for the total number of requests, and one for the total number of requests per status code. These counts are preserved through internal Pode server restarts.

The current count of active requests are also available.


The server wide counts contain the total number of requests in general, and per status code, regardless of the Route.

To retrieve these counts you can use the Get-PodeServerRequestMetric function. This function lets you get the Total number of requests, all Status Code counts, and a count for a specific Status Code.

To get the total number of requests:

$total = Get-PodeServerRequestMetric -Total

To get the total counts for all status codes:

$codes = Get-PodeServerRequestMetric

And to get the total count for a specific status code:

$code = Get-PodeServerRequestMetric -StatusCode 200


The request counts for a specific Route can be retrieved via the Get-PodeRoute function. The request metrics stored against a Route are identical to the server wide ones, but are the total counts specific to that Route.

To get the total number of requests for a Route:

$total = (Get-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/about').Metrics.Requests.Total

To get the total counts for all status codes for a Route:

$codes = (Get-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/about').Metrics.Requests.StatusCodes

And to get the total count for a specific status code for a Route:

$code = (Get-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/about').Metrics.Requests.StatusCodes['200']


You can retrieve the current count of active requests by using Get-PodeServerActiveRequestMetric. Active requests are ones that are queued, or are currently being processed:

$activeReqs = Get-PodeServerActiveRequestMetric

The default is to return the count of all requests, but you can filter a count of queued or processing via -CountType:

$queuedReqs = Get-PodeServerActiveRequestMetric -CountType Queued