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Endpoints in Pode are used to bind your server to specific IPs, Hostnames, and ports over specific protocols (such as HTTP or HTTPS). Endpoints can have unique names, so you can bind Routes to certain endpoints only.


Endpoints support both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.


To add new endpoints to your server you use Add-PodeEndpoint. A quick and simple example is the following, which will bind your server to http://localhost:8080:

Start-PodeServer {
    Add-PodeEndpoint -Address localhost -Port 8080 -Protocol Http

The -Address can be a local or a private IP address. The -Port is any valid port number, and the -Protocol defines which protocol the endpoint will use: HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, TCP, WS, or WSS.

You can also supply an optional unique -Name to your endpoint. This name will allow you to bind routes to certain endpoints; so if you have endpoint A and B, and you bind some route to endpoint A, then it won't be accessible over endpoint B.

Add-PodeEndpoint -Address localhost -Port 8080 -Protocol Http -Name EndpointA
Add-PodeEndpoint -Address localhost -Port 8080 -Protocol Http -Name EndpointB

Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/page-a' -EndpointName EndpointA -ScriptBlock {
    # logic

Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/page-b' -EndpointName EndpointB -ScriptBlock {
    # logic

Dual Mode

When you create an Endpoint in Pode, it will listen on either just the IPv4 or IPv6 address that you supplied - for localhost, this will be, and for "*", this will be, unless the IPv6 equivalents of ::1 or :: were directly supplied.

This means if you have the following endpoint to listen on "everything", then it will only really be everything for just IPv4:

Add-PodeEndpoint -Address * -Port 8080 -Protocol Http

However, you can pass the -DualMode switch on Add-PodeEndpoint and this will tell Pode to listen on both IPv4 and IPv6 instead:

Add-PodeEndpoint -Address * -Port 8080 -Protocol Http -DualMode

This will work for any IPv4 address, including localhost, if the underlying OS supports IPv6. For IPv6 addresses, only those that can be converted back to an equivalent IPv4 address will work - it will still listen on the supplied IPv6 address, there just won't be an IPv4 that Pode could also listen on.


You can specify a -Hostname for an endpoint, in doing so you can only access routes via the specified hostname. Using a hostname will allow you to have multiple endpoints all using the same IP/Port, but with different hostnames.

The following will create an endpoint with hostname, bound to

Add-PodeEndpoint -Hostname -Port 8080 -Protocol Http

To bind a hostname to a specific IP you can use -Address:

Add-PodeEndpoint -Address -Hostname -Port 8080 -Protocol Http

or, lookup the hostname's IP from the host file or DNS:

Add-PodeEndpoint -Hostname -Port 8080 -Protocol Http -LookupHostname

Finally, you can bind multiple hostnames to one IP/Port:

Add-PodeEndpoint -Address -Hostname -Port 8080 -Protocol Http
Add-PodeEndpoint -Address -Hostname -Port 8080 -Protocol Http


If you add an HTTPS or WSS endpoint, then you'll be required to also supply certificate details. To configure a certificate you can use one of the following parameters:

Name Description
Certificate The path to a .pfx or .cer certificate
CertificatePassword The password for the above .pfx certificate
CertificateThumbprint The thumbprint of a certificate to find (Windows only)
CertificateName The subject name of a certificate to find (Windows only)
CertificateStoreName The name of the certificate store (Default: My) (Windows only)
CertificateStoreLocation The location of the certificate store (Default: CurrentUser) (Windows only)
X509Certificate A raw X509Certificate object
SelfSigned If supplied, Pode will automatically generate a self-signed certificate as an X509Certificate object

The below example will create an endpoint using a .pfx certificate:

Add-PodeEndpoint -Address * -Port 8443 -Protocol Https -Certificate './certs/example.pfx' -CertificatePassword 'hunter2'

However, the following will instead create an X509Certificate, and pass that to the endpoint instead:

$cert = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]::new('./certs/example.cer')
Add-PodeEndpoint -Address * -Port 8443 -Protocol Https -X509Certificate $cert

The below example will create a local self-signed HTTPS endpoint:

Add-PodeEndpoint -Address * -Port 8443 -Protocol Https -SelfSigned

SSL Protocols

By default, Pode will use the SSL3 or TLS12 protocols - or just TLS12 if on MacOS. You can override this default in one of two ways:

  1. Update the global default in Pode's configuration file, as described here.
  2. Specify specific SSL Protocols to use per Endpoint using the -SslProtocol parameter on Add-PodeEndpoint.

Endpoint Names

You can give endpoints unique names by supplying the -EndpointName parameter. This name can then be passed to Add-PodeRoute or Add-PodeStaticRoute to bind these routes to that endpoint only.

For example:

Add-PodeEndpoint -Address localhost -Port 8080 -Protocol Http -EndpointName Example

Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/about' -EndpointName Example -ScriptBlock {
    # ...

Getting Endpoints

The Get-PodeEndpoint helper function will allow you to retrieve a list of endpoints configured within Pode. You can use it to retrieve all of the endpoints, or supply filters to retrieve specific endpoints.

To retrieve all of the endpoints, you can call the function will no parameters. To filter, here are some examples:

# all endpoints using port 80
Get-PodeEndpoint -Port 80

# all endpoints using HTTP
Get-PodeEndpoint -Protocol Http

# retrieve specific named endpoints
Get-PodeEndpoint -Name Admin, User

Endpoint Object


Be careful if you choose to edit these objects, as they will affect the server.

The following is the structure of the Endpoint object internally, as well as the object that is returned from Get-PodeEndpoint:

Name Type Description
Name string The name of the Endpoint, if a name was supplied
Description string A description of the Endpoint, usually used for OpenAPI
Address IPAddress The IP address that will be used for the Endpoint
RawAddress string The address/host and port of the Endpoint
Port int The port the Endpoint will use
IsIPAddress bool Whether or not the listener will bind using Hostname or IP address
Hostname string The hostname of the Endpoint
FriendlyName string A user friendly hostname to use when generating internal URLs
Url string The full base URL of the Endpoint
Ssl.Enabled bool Whether or not this Endpoint uses SSL
Ssl.Protocols SslProtocols An aggregated integer which specifies the SSL protocols this endpoints supports
Protocol string The protocol of the Endpoint. Such as: HTTP, HTTPS, WS, etc.
Type string The type of the Endpoint. Such as: HTTP, WS, SMTP, TCP
Certificate hashtable Details about the certificate that will be used for SSL Endpoints

Server timeout

The timeout is configurable using the ReceiveTimeout property in the server.psd1 configuration file, the amount of time is in milliseconds. The meaning is that the server will wait for data to be received before timing out. This is useful for controlling how long the server should wait during data reception operations, enhancing the performance and responsiveness.

To set this property, include it in server.psd1 configuration file as shown below:

    Server = @{
        ReceiveTimeout = 5000 # Timeout in milliseconds