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There is an optional configuration file that can be used with Pode called server.psd1, and should be located at the root directory of your server script.


When a server restart occurs, the server.psd1 file will always be reloaded.


The configuration file is basically just a hashtable, so normal hashtable syntax applies. Within the file you can put any settings you want however, there are 5 defined sections that should ideally be left for Pode:

    Server = @{ }
    Service = @{ }
    Web = @{ }
    Smtp = @{ }
    Tcp = @{ }

These 5 sections apply to the different server types you can build with Pode, and could be used for later inbuilt options (such as the current Web/Static/Defaults for defining default static pages).

After this, you can put whatever else you want into the configuration file.


The configuration file is automatically loaded when you start your server. Pode will look in the root directory of your server for a server.psd1 file, and if found it will be loaded internally.

Within your scripts you can use the Get-PodeConfig function, which will return the values of the configuration file.

For example, say you have the following server.psd1:

    Port = 8080

Then you can get and use the port number via:

Start-PodeServer {
    $port = (Get-PodeConfig).Port
    Add-PodeEndpoint -Address * -Port $port -Protocol Http

Custom Config Path

Pode also allows you to explicitly specify a configuration file using the -ConfigFile parameter when starting the server. This is useful if you want to load a configuration file from a custom location.

For example:

Start-PodeServer -ConfigFile "C:\Configs\custom_server.psd1" {
    $port = (Get-PodeConfig).Port
    Add-PodeEndpoint -Address * -Port $port -Protocol Http


Besides the default server.psd1 file, Pode also supports environmental files based on the $env:PODE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable.

For example, if you set the PODE_ENVIRONMENT variable to dev, then Pode will look for first. If does not exist, then the default server.psd1 is loaded instead.


The following table details all of the currently available, inbuilt, server.psd1 options that can be used.

A "path" like Server.Ssl.Protocols looks like the below in the file:

    Server = @{
        Ssl= @{
            Protocols = @('TLS', 'TLS11', 'TLS12')
Path Description Docs
Server.Ssl.Protocols Indicates the SSL Protocols that should be used link
Server.Request Defines request timeout and maximum body size link
Server.AutoImport Defines the AutoImport scoping rules for Modules, SnapIns and Functions link
Server.Logging Defines extra configuration for Logging, like masking sensitive data link
Server.Root Overrides root path of the server link
Server.Restart Defines configuration for automatically restarting the server link
Server.FileMonitor Defines configuration for restarting the server based on file updates link
Server.ReceiveTimeout Define the amount of time a Receive method call will block waiting for data link
Server.DefaultFolders Set the Default Folders paths link
Server.Console Set the Console settings link
Web.OpenApi.DefaultDefinitionTag Define the primary tag name for OpenAPI ( default is the default) link
Web.OpenApi.UsePodeYamlInternal Force the use of the internal YAML converter (False is the default)
Web.Static.ValidateLast Changes the way routes are processed. link
Web.TransferEncoding Sets the Request TransferEncoding link
Web.Compression Sets any compression to use on the Response link
Web.ContentType Define expected Content Types for certain Routes link
Web.ErrorPages Defines configuration for custom error pages link
Web.Static Defines configuration for static content, such as caching link