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You can send Requests to your Pode server that use compression on the payload, such as a JSON payload compressed via GZip.

Pode supports the following compression methods:

  • gzip
  • deflate

There are a number of ways you can specify the compression type, and these are defined below. When your request uses compression, Pode will first decompress the payload, and then attempt to parse it if needed.


The most common way is to define the a request's compression type in the request's Transfer-Endocing header.

An example of the header in the request is as follows:

Transfer-Encoding: gzip
Transfer-Encoding: deflate

// or:
Transfer-Encoding: gzip,chunked


Like content types, you can force a Route to use a specific transfer encoding by using the -TransferEncoding parameter on Add-PodeRoute. If specified, Pode will use this compression type to decompress the payload regardless if the header is present or not.

Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/' -TransferEncoding gzip -ScriptBlock {
    # logic


Using the server.psd1 configuration file, you can define a default transfer encoding to use for every route, or you can define patterns to match multiple route paths to set transfer encodings on mass.


To define a default transfer encoding for everything, you can use the following configuration:

    Web = @{
        TransferEncoding = @{
            Default = "gzip"

Route Patterns

You can define patterns to match multiple route paths, and any route that matches (when created) will have the appropriate transfer encoding set.

For example, the following configuration in your server.psd1 would bind all /api routes to gzip, and then all /status routes to deflate:

    Web = @{
        TransferEncoding = @{
            Routes = @{
                "/api/*" = "gzip"
                "/status/*" = "deflate"


The transfer encoding that will be used is determined by the following order:

  1. Being defined on the Route.
  2. The Route matches a pattern defined in the configuration file.
  3. A default transfer encoding is defined in the configuration file.
  4. The transfer encoding is supplied on the web request.


The following is an example of sending a gzip encoded payload to some /ping route:

# get the JSON message in bytes
$data = @{
    Name = "Deepthought"
    Age = 42

$message = ($data | ConvertTo-Json)
$bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($message)

# compress the message using gzip
$ms = [System.IO.MemoryStream]::new()
$gzip = [System.IO.Compression.GZipStream]::new($ms, [IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Compress, $true)
$gzip.Write($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)
$ms.Position = 0

# send request
Invoke-RestMethod `
    -Method Post `
    -Uri 'http://localhost:8080/ping' `
    -Body $ms.ToArray() `
    -TransferEncoding gzip `
    -ContentType application/json